AD HOC meeting room
17/06 14.00 - 15.30 | Seminar Room
A list of Ad Hoc meeting room slots will be available at the registration desk only for the duration of the conference (not before) and will be managed by the organising team.
No bookings can be made before June 16th.
Steffie Bosman (N/A)
AD HOC meeting room
18/06 14.00 - 15.30 | Seminar Room
A list of Ad Hoc meeting room slots will be available at the registration desk only for the duration of the conference (not before) and will be managed by the organising team.
No bookings can be made before June 16th.
Steffie Bosman (N/A)
AD HOC meeting room
17/06 08.00 - 09.30 | Seminar Room
A list of Ad Hoc meeting room slots will be available at the registration desk only for the duration of the conference (not before) and will be managed by the organising team.
No bookings can be made before June 16th.
Steffie Bosman (N/A)
AD HOC meeting room
19/06 18.00 - 19.00 | Seminar Room
A list of Ad Hoc meeting room slots will be available at the registration desk only for the duration of the conference (not before) and will be managed by the organising team.
No bookings can be made before June 16th.
Steffie Bosman (N/A)
AfricaConnect2/3 Coordination Meeting
16/06 14.00 - 17.30 | Tower Room
A meeting between GÉANT, the UbuntuNet alliance, WACREN, ASREN and the EC to coordinate activities in AC2 and prepare for AC3 proposal submission and implementation.
This is a closed meeting for the the 4 AfricaConnect 2 implementing organisations only.
Cathrin Stöver (GÉANT)
Canadian NREN Partners & Global NREN CEO Meeting
19/06 14.00 - 15.30 | D-Hall
Kathryn Anthonisen (CANARIE)
CEO Forum Security Working Group
16/06 09.00 - 12.30 | Science Class
The CEO Forum Security Working Group will meet for the third time at TNC to share information and knowledge and to continue working on the main initiatives. The group is initiates and supported by the Global NREN CEO Forum.
Sigita Jurkynaite (GÉANT)
Cloud services and technologies workshop: Development and future insights of cloud presented by Microsoft, Google and Amazon
16/06 14.00 - 17.30 | Science Class
In these workshops Microsoft, Google and Amazon invite you to find out more about the latest developments in cloud services and technologies. Here you’ll gain valuable insights into the future of clouds for R&E.
14:00-15:00 Microsoft
Microsoft Azure and Azure in Research update with Q&A
Register here.
15:15 -16:15 Google
Description follows shortly
16:30-17:30 Amazon
Description follows shortly
karl meyer (GEANT)
Collaborating to Connect the North
20/06 14.00 - 17.30 | Seminar Room
A focussed discussion on exploring shared challenges and strategies for NRENs who support remote geographic areas. The purpose of this meeting is to bring together any NREN who has or is currently working towards increase/enhance connectivity in remote geographic regions. This is a shared global challenge and TNC is a unique opportunity to come together to learn from and support each other.
Alfonso Licata (N/A)
David Smith (N/A)
Combining clouds with Fogbow
18/06 15.30 - 16.00 | Demo area
Increasingly, users are turning to hybrid cloud computing infrastructures for the deployment of their applications. Cloud federation, cloudbursting, and cloud brokering are some of the most popular models for combining multiple cloud computing providers into a single infrastructure.
This demo shows how the Fogbow middleware can be used to support different cloud combination models, both from the end-users’, as well as the cloud providers’ perspectives. In this demonstration, we will show the main features provided by the middleware, and how it can be easily customised to combine multiple clouds, running different cloud orchestrators.
Fogbow has been developed in the context of two cooperative R&D projects executed by Brazilian and European institutions (CloudConnect and ATMOSPHERE), and has been used to support a trans-Atlantic federation of cloud providers. RNP, the Brazilian NREN, is currently investigating the use of Fogbow to enhance RNP’s portfolio of services.
Francisco Brasileiro (UFCG)
Diamond Key Hardware Security Module (HSM)
19/06 12.45 - 13.15 | Demo area
The vast majority of encryption solutions in the marketplace are proprietary or have been implemented in “closed” environments by private entities. This results in security and trust models built upon leaps of faith, rather than rock-solid foundations. These closed solutions operate as “black boxes” and cannot be analyzed or verified for internal function or readily modified or enhanced. Consumers thus cannot be assured of the underlying security provided.
Diamond Key Security™ (DKS) changes this cybersecurity trust paradigm by bringing to market affordable, verifiable encryption solutions based on technology from the open-source CrypTech Project. The first DKS solution, the Diamond-HSM™, will be demonstrated at TNC19 where digital key generation, key management, and signing will be on display in the Internet Society booth.
Stuart Jones (Diamond Key)
eduroam Managed IdP
17/06 15.30 - 16.00 | Demo area
The eduroam development team completed the production rollout of their new service "eduroam Managed IdP". The service enables the creation and deployment of eduroam user accounts in a web-browser in real-time, secured with EAP-TLS (client certificates) - in a very easy to use interface to the end users.
The demonstration shows the entire system at work, with an open invitation to start using the service instantly.
Stefan Winter (RESTENA Foundation)
eduVPN Service Update
17/06 08.00 - 10.30 | Terrace Hall
eduVPN aims to become the VPN default for education and research. Since 2018, a number of NRENs and institutions have started deploying the service. This meeting aims at presenting the status of the service, answering questions from NRENs and research and education institutions and requiring new requirements.
Tangui Coulouarn (DeiC)
EOSC Portal – a practical way of supporting and building new Digital Communities
18/06 13.20 - 13.50 | Demo area
Want to find out more about how different aspects of the EOSC Portal support and forge new Digital Societies? Then come and view our demonstration!
The EOSC Portal drives a new, open science cloud forward so that resources are available in one place, across borders and scientific disciplines. It provides access to digital communities of researchers from all domains allowing for transparency and lowering barriers to entry. One the one hand it makes the work of existing (digital communities) easier and, on the other hand, supports the creation of new digital communities.
The EOSC Portal is jointly developed and maintained by current implementation projects: eInfraCentral, EOSC-hub, EOSCpilot and OpenAIRE-Advance.
Jelena Angelis (EFIS Centre)
Federated Cloud Appliances Available in Public Cloud
18/06 12.45 - 13.15 | Demo area
Cloudkeeper is a tool used in a hybrid federated cloud platform operated by the European Grid Initiative (EGI) to synchronize virtual appliance images across the infrastructure. Cloudkeeper reads image lists published by the EGI Application DB and synchronizes updates to target cloud sites. Before partnering with GÉANT Cloudkeeper only supported OpenNebula and OpenStack.
Most resources in the EGI federated cloud platform are privately owned by resource providers but there are several scenarios where the use of public cloud resources becomes relevant:
* Virtual operators – resource providers who do not own their own resources on-premise but rent cloud resources form public clouds.
* Cloud bursting – resource providers or user groups who regularly use private resources but may burst out into public cloud for periods of peak consumption.
The Federated Cloud Platform is mostly focused on HPC use, i.e., resources are typically allocated short-term but in large volumes.
Therefore we have proposed to implement a pilot using Amazon Web Services as an environment that would enable participation of virtual operators and/or cloud bursting of Federated Cloud use cases. The work consisted primarily in extending Cloudkeeper to import virtual appliance images from EGI AppDB to AWS so that federated cloud users could use the same appliances across clouds, including the public cloud offered by AWS.
Milan Ševčík (CESNET)
Federation 2.0 Working Group
20/06 09.00 - 17.30 | Science Class
The new REFEDS Federation 2.0 Working Group will follow a strategic planning methodology to collect information and feedback from many parties and synthesize this to produce future scenarios that R&E Federations may need to adapt to. The proposed meeting will be professionally facilitated by an impartial 3rd party to help WG members produce those scenarios. This is a key step in the working group's activity.
Thomas Barton (University of Chicago and Internet2)
filesender progress BoF
19/06 18.00 - 20.00 | Terrace Hall
The yearly BoF where the filesender community gathers and establishes their roadmap. Now with more EaPconnect and African NREN partners than ever before!
Guido Aben (AARnet)
GÉANT-ESnet Meeting
19/06 18.00 - 20.00 | Tower Room
Tom Fryer (GÉANT)
19/06 18.00 - 20.00 | D-Hall
GÉANT SIG-TNE side meeting with attendance from a core group of NRENs (including Jisc, Internet2, GARR, CERNET and SURFNet) to discuss and collaborate on strategic, technological and operational challenges that NRENs face in supporting transnational education (TNE). This side meeting will be beneficial to any NREN looking to establish a TNE support programme who could find value in collaborating with the wider community and seeking advice and guidance on common pitfalls and best practise guidance on how to support our communities. It will also be of use to institutions delivering international education, identifying technological issues critical to a successful programme and optimal student experience and satisfaction. We will also be taking this opportunity to discuss the recently published GÉANT-Jisc NREN TNE Resource Pack, a free resource available to all NRENs interested in establishing a TNE support programme.
Emma Athawes (Jisc)
18/06 14.00 - 15.30 | Woodblock Hall
Gyöngyi Horváth (GÉANT)
GEANT PMP Service Training
16/06 09.00 - 12.30 | D-Hall
Performance Measurement Platform (PMP) is a successor of the successfully completed perfSONAR Small Nodes activity within the GÉANT project.
It consists of:
low-cost hardware nodes with pre-installed perfSONAR software and deployed in GÉANT collaborating organisations in Europe and Africa, and central components including a central Measurement Archive (MA) and a Dashboard
The small nodes perform regular measurements towards a few Measurement Points (MPs) located in the core of the GÉANT network and operated by the GÉANT network operations centre. The central components that manage the platform elements and that gather, store and represent the performance data are operated and maintained by the PMP operational team in the GÉANT project. Small node users can shape the predefined setup and configure additional measurements to their needs and get more familiar with the platform.
Information about the perfSONAR small node project was first presented at the TNC16 conference when the first PMP nodes were being distributed to interested NRENs. In the meantime, PMP has recently become an official GEANT production service with the plan to expand the footprint in 2019 within the GN4-3 project (Work Page 6, Task 3) to all the European NRENs and improve the service and upgrade the code of the measurement boxes. TNC19, which is attended by representatives of most NRENs, but also participants from other research and education institutions and campuses, is a great opportunity for the PMP service to organize training both for new PMP users who want to learn about the benefits of the service and the ways to use it to its full potential, and for existing users who may be interested in the planned transition and upgrade process of the service.
This event is open to every participant however if you're wiling to attend please subscribe at https://eventr.geant.org/events/3094
Pavle Vuletic (University of Belgrade - School of electrical engineering)
Getting the most out of your 1st TNC
17/06 10.00 - 10.30 | Seminar Room
Information for Newcomers
We want you to get the most out of TNC19. To make this conference both productive and enjoyable we've organised some opportunities for you to navigate this event.
After visiting registration and collecting your badge please come visit the GÉANT booth. Staff from the Amsterdam and Cambridge offices will be on hand to answer your questions about GÉANT and TNC19. There is a schedule of when GÉANT staff will be at the booth to help you make contact with the right people.
The TNC Newcomers’ Welcome will give you a quick introduction to the format of TNC19, what GÉANT is about and how to get the most out of the event by following conference tracks that align with your interests. There are also some tips and tricks even if you don't know what areas you should follow.
This introduction will get you started on setting your goals for TNC19, attending the sessions that are most valuable to you, and helping you collaborate with GÉANT and the community over the coming year.
Wish you all a great conference.
Brook Schofield (GÉANT)
Sigita Jurkynaite (GÉANT)
GLAD Skills POP: boost your knowledge traffic
20/06 09.00 - 12.30 | Glass Box in Fuel Lounge
Are you interested to get the most out of your TNC19 meeting?
Would you like to know how to engage your audience and leave it with the wow factor?
If yes, then the GLAD skills drop-in session might be just a thing for you.
As a part of TNC19 programme, GEANT Learning and Development (GLAD) team will offer daily skills drop-in sessions to assist TNC participants get the most out of their TNC commitments. In particular GLAD will focus on two areas:
a. Facilitating effective meetings: getting things done in an engaging and fun way
b. Presentation skills: delivering an impactful presentation/speech
Equally, we would be happy to explore other learning and development queries that could help you to be at your best during the conference. Come and see us on each day of the conference including a pre-conference day.
Irina Mikhailava (GEANT)
GLAD Skills POP: boost your knowledge traffic
16/06 14.00 - 17.30 | Glass box in Fuel Lounge
Are you interested to get the most out of your TNC19 meeting?
Would you like to know how to engage your audience and leave it with the wow factor?
If yes, then the GLAD skills drop-in session might be just a thing for you.
As a part of TNC19 programme, GEANT Learning and Development (GLAD) team will offer daily skills drop-in sessions to assist TNC participants get the most out of their TNC commitments. In particular GLAD will focus on two areas:
a. Facilitating effective meetings: getting things done in an engaging and fun way
b. Presentation skills: delivering an impactful presentation/speech
Equally, we would be happy to explore other learning and development queries that could help you to be at your best during the conference. Come and see us on each day of the conference including a pre-conference day.
Irina Mikhailava (GEANT)
GLAD Skills POP: boost your knowledge traffic
18/06 09.00 - 12.30 | Glass box in Fuel Lounge
Are you interested to get the most out of your TNC19 meeting?
Would you like to know how to engage your audience and leave it with the wow factor?
If yes, then the GLAD skills drop-in session might be just a thing for you.
As a part of TNC19 programme, GEANT Learning and Development (GLAD) team will offer daily skills drop-in sessions to assist TNC participants get the most out of their TNC commitments. In particular GLAD will focus on two areas:
a. Facilitating effective meetings: getting things done in an engaging and fun way
b. Presentation skills: delivering an impactful presentation/speech
Equally, we would be happy to explore other learning and development queries that could help you to be at your best during the conference. Come and see us on each day of the conference including a pre-conference day.
Irina Mikhailava (GEANT)
GLAD Skills POP: boost your knowledge traffic
17/06 09.00 - 12.30 | Glass box in Fuel Lounge
Are you interested to get the most out of your TNC19 meeting?
Would you like to know how to engage your audience and leave it with the wow factor?
If yes, then the GLAD skills drop-in session might be just a thing for you.
As a part of TNC19 programme, GEANT Learning and Development (GLAD) team will offer daily skills drop-in sessions to assist TNC participants get the most out of their TNC commitments. In particular GLAD will focus on two areas:
a. Facilitating effective meetings: getting things done in an engaging and fun way
b. Presentation skills: delivering an impactful presentation/speech
Equally, we would be happy to explore other learning and development queries that could help you to be at your best during the conference. Come and see us on each day of the conference including a pre-conference day.
Irina Mikhailava (GEANT)
GLAD Skills POP: boost your knowledge traffic
19/06 09.00 - 12.30 | Glass box in Fuel Lounge
Are you interested to get the most out of your TNC19 meeting?
Would you like to know how to engage your audience and leave it with the wow factor?
If yes, then the GLAD skills drop-in session might be just a thing for you.
As a part of TNC19 programme, GEANT Learning and Development (GLAD) team will offer daily skills drop-in sessions to assist TNC participants get the most out of their TNC commitments. In particular GLAD will focus on two areas:
a. Facilitating effective meetings: getting things done in an engaging and fun way
b. Presentation skills: delivering an impactful presentation/speech
Equally, we would be happy to explore other learning and development queries that could help you to be at your best during the conference. Come and see us on each day of the conference including a pre-conference day.
Irina Mikhailava (GEANT)
Global clouds, a global approach: NREN cloud managers meeting
16/06 14.00 - 17.30 | D-Hall
More and more research and education institutions are using cloud services or have plans to do so. However, implementing these services involves a range of technical and business decisions, on strategic, tactical and operational levels.
These include user and organisational needs, technical integrations, supplier management and procurement, data privacy laws, challenges in managing a multi-vendor cloud portfolio and budget modelling and cost control.
Institutions look to their NRENs, to provide guidance and support and deliver national or regional solutions, by brokering agreements with commercial providers and delivering community clouds.
In this session, the cloud managers from the NRENs will gather to share information about their progress on cloud delivery and adoption, the roles they employ, service offerings in place and lessons learned.
The cloud managers will also discuss their joint efforts on making clouds safe and easy to use on a global scale, by aggregating skills and demand.
Andres Steijaert (SURFnet)
Global eduroam Governance Committee (GeGC)
19/06 18.00 - 20.00 | Small Hall
The annual face-to-face meeting of the Global eduroam Governance Committee meeting bringing together the regional representatives of eduroam roaming operators.
Brook Schofield (GÉANT)
Global Network Advancement Group meeting
20/06 09.00 - 17.00 | Tallink Spa & Conference Hotel
The high-level agenda for this full day meeting is as follows:
Morning: Setting direction, after completing the merger between the GNA Technical WG and the GLIF.
Afternoon: Filling in the details (people, tasks, etc.), and kick-starting the work.
This meeting is open to all, but please register before 1 June 2019. Please register here.
David Wilde (AARNet)
Dale Finkelson (Internet2)
Erik-Jan Bos (NORDUnet A/S)
Global Public Affairs Collaboration
17/06 09.30 - 10.30 | Woodblock Hall
The goal of this session is to strengthen public affairs efforts within National Research and Education Networks (NRENs) at the global level. This leads on from a similar session at TNC18 which aimed to help NRENs become more effective as individual organizations and as a community to influence public policy issues (including funding) and legislation impacting NRENs. At TNC17, we organized a session on best practices for public affairs activities for NRENs around the world. Building on the momentum of that session, several NRENs joined forces to create an NREN Public Affairs Collaboration group, including SURF, Internet2, GEANT, AARNet and CANARIE. This group has recognized that the public affairs function of NRENs is essential to influence public policy, build and maintain strong reputations, and find common ground with stakeholders.
Public Affairs is complex, combining government relations, media communications, issue management, corporate and social responsibility, information dissemination, and strategic communications advice. Such a profession is becoming vitally important to NRENs in order to consolidate their funding bases in an increasingly austere global economy. At the same time. NRENs (or Global NRENs; GRENS) are benefitting from working with a wider range of both public and private research and education actors. However, they also are facing intense competition from private networks and services. As a result, the need for NRENs to develop their public affairs tools is greater than ever.
One underdeveloped theme of NREN Public Affairs is the link between domestic priorities and global aims. Familiarities in the challenges that NRENs face at the domestic level are often unobserved and can be tackled be tackled by sharing common solutions, or by acting at the supranational level in groups to present their needs to larger institutions.
This session, and the ongoing work of the NREN Public Affairs Collaboration group, will allow participants to share information in order to provide individual NRENs with the tools they need to achieve their own national public affairs goals and help develop common positions on issues impacting the global NREN community.
During this session we will explore best practices of public affairs activities in workshop form, share information to help develop public affairs tools for NRENs, and identify new areas of partnership between NRENs around the world. Potential content for the workshop presentations and discussions will be developed from chosen case-studies of both the presenters and informed participants via the global public affairs mailing list. After each presentation of individual case studies, a discussion will follow involving the whole group, before moving to the next presentation.
Hendrik Ike (N/A)
How technology supports pedagogical innovations on the Up2U platform
17/06 13.20 - 13.50 | Demo area
Up2U project will give an introduction to NGDLE (Next Generation Digital Learning Ecosystem) environment that was designed to support the enhancement of the students’ digital skills in the classroom and beyond. A real-life showcase will demonstrate the usability and benefits of the learning platform. This platform is available for countries outside the Up2U project consortium. The GÉANT community is welcome to enjoy the benefits of our NGDLE and offer it to the end users.
Casper Dreef (GÉANT)
How to manage access to community services reflecting 8 years of experiences
17/06 12.45 - 13.15 | Demo area
CESNET has a long-term experience with managing access to community services using open-source identity and access management system Perun. Over the course of time, Perun proved its capability to fulfill requirements coming from different communities including, among others, life-science communities (ELIXIR, BBMRI); CESNET (Czech NREN); EGI; and education (Masaryk University, Academy of Arts Architecture & Design in Prague). In this demonstration, we will show the main features of Perun covering various use-cases based on real problems which were solved using Perun system. Moreover, we will briefly explain different options of onboarding Perun which can vary from on-site deployment, Perun as a service, or getting Perun as part of GÉANT eduTEAMS offering, or EOSC-hub service.
Slávek Licehammer (CESNET)
Huawei Workshop
16/06 16.00 - 17.00 | Seminar Room
Huawei Technical Workshop AI Acceleration--Building a New Generation of Education and Research Network:
Network device integrates AI chips, releasing infinite computing power, so that optical network neurons acceleration data acquisition can be achieved in seconds. Through using accurate analysis of big data, AI algorithm helps trend learning and predictive analysis, and turns passive response into active operation and maintenance. Moore's Law drives the continuous and rapid growth of network bandwidth, enabling unified rate of smart chip hardware to be adjusted. The industry's leading fiber optic printing technology makes intelligent dynamic scheduling of optical wavelengths come true, replacing complex fiber optic connections. Focusing on ICT infrastructure, Huawei continues to innovate and work together with customers and partners around the world to build a new generation of AI+ education and research network, making connectivity and intelligence ubiquitous, and aiming to bring digital to every person, home and organization for a fully connected and intelligent world.
To attend this workshop, please register here.
Yicheng He (N/A)
17/06 14.00 - 15.30 | Woodblock Hall
InAcademia service operation planning. Meeting of key people involved in bringing InAcademia to service and ensuring a consistent operational model globally. TNC is an opportune time to bring "key players" together. Intended audience: InAcademia steering committee and representatives from NRENs interested in regional operation of InAcademia.
Justin Knight (Jisc)
Incubator meeting
20/06 09.00 - 12.30 | Tower Room
A meeting the Trust and Identity Incubator Advisory board
Niels van Dijk (SURFnet)
InfoBlox secure DNS Services
19/06 15.30 - 16.00 | Demo area
Students and parents are concerned with security and safety online. Infoblox Secure DNS solutions provide an effective, highly scalable mechanism for providing both of these. Infoblox will be showcasing our solutions for content control, malware protection and mitigation, and defence against data theft. We will also show about how organisations can combine threat data from multiple sources to increase their overall security posture.
- N/A
International User Org Service delivery coordination workshop
16/06 11.00 - 12.30 | Seminar Room
Within the NREN world International user organisations are a strange breed. They come in many different sizes and forms; spanning multiple countries as individual campuses (multinational), or having operations within a number of countries at co-located sites but one central headquarters (transnational). Due to the differing AUPs, legislation and respective procedures across multiple NRENs, approaches in provide services to these types of organisations have taken a variety of forms. This workshop will explore some of the ways GÉANT Association with NREN partners work with these types of organisations and give participants the chance to shape how the GÉANT community could deliver services to international organisations in a better defined way.
Chris Atherton (GÉANT)
Live demonstration of 100G+ spectrum services on a >1200km fiber link between Estonia and Poland
18/06 10.30 - 11.00 | Demo area
* This demonstration takes place at the ADVA booth in Cauldron Hall. *
Employing an open optical line system approach, we will demonstrate the practical delivery of coherent optical spectrum services in a commercial long-haul network. A fiber link between the Poznan Supercomputing and Networking Center in Poland and the TNC’19 conference venue Kultuurikatel in Tallinn (> 1200km distance) traversing Latvia and Lithuania will be used. The optical characteristics of a spectrum slice in the network are retrieved by network telemetry and fed into a machine-learning based configuration engine. Taking service requirements and policies into account, the engine will then determine the best terminal equipment configuration for the spectrum slice out of hundreds of possible configurations. The configuration will be deployed on ADVAs TeraFlexTM terminal platform, which offers 100-600G services per optical carrier with programmable signal shaping capabilities to optimize capacity, performance and spectral occupation. The demonstration aims at driving network efficiency while at the same time reducing operational complexity in a real live network.
Joerg-Peter Elbers (ADVA)
Live streaming of ultra-high definition 8K
19/06 10.30 - 11.00 | Demo area
In this demo we will present ultra-high definition 8K live video content. It will be streamed from PSNC facilities in Poznań, Poland to Tallin over GEANT network. The presentation will compare several encoding and streaming parameters, within capabilities of developed system, showing their influence on quality and perception of video. It will also indicate network requirements for such performance.
The issues of creating, encoding and streaming high resolution and high quality video (HDR, HFR, WCG) are addressed by the Immersify project. The project is implemented under the H2020 programme in a consortium of five partners, including Spin Digital, which provides advanced HEVC codecs optimized for immersive media up to 16K resolution using just PC systems. Other partners are leading research institutions working on immersive technologies and high resolution media (Ars Electronica, Visualisation Center C, PSNC) or organizers of events related to the film and VR sector (Marche du Film, the organizer of the Festival de Cannes). They together are developing not only new solutions for compression of the immersive media for high-resolution installations such as Deep Space or Dome Theatres, but also want to provide a complete system for recording, transmission and display. Importantly, they also create immersive video content, both with the use of 8K cameras, laser scanners, omnidirectional camera rigs or CGI.
Szymon Malewski (N/A)
Maciej Strozyk (PSNC)
Maciej Glowiak (PSNC)
Mobility Day
20/06 09.00 - 17.30 | Woodblock Hall
Mobility Day is an annual event that is part of the GÉANT Community Programme (GCP) and was put in place as an annual check to replace the more regular TF-Mobility meetings. Mobility Day has taken place at TNC since TNC16.
The agenda is available.
The day typically covers topics including govroam, eduroam, 4G, 5G, hotspot 2.0 and other mobility related topics.
Mobility Day is supported by the GeGC.
Separate registration is required.
Nicole Harris (GÉANT)
NEAAR Project Meeting
17/06 08.00 - 10.30 | D-Hall
Meeting of the NEAAR project leads and partners.
Edward Moynihan (Indiana University)
NREN CEO Forum - Financial Benchmarking Committee
19/06 09.00 - 10.30 | D-Hall
Nancy Carter (CANARIE)
NREN CEO Forum - Policy & Strategy Committee
19/06 11.00 - 12.30 | D-Hall
Nancy Carter (CANARIE)
NRENs and educational technology
17/06 08.00 - 10.30 | Small Hall
Please register there.
The NREN community is actively working on developing and improving their support to the educational institutions. With specialised topics we would like to discuss possibilities for future collaborations, challenges and good practices. The workshop is intended to be mainly discussion based around key topics of interest. The discussion would be facilitated by a group of NRENs (including Jisc, SURFNet, UNIT, SUNET, CARNET...etc). Current topics include: joint procurement for LMS, Digital Learning Environment, eduID - MyAcademicID, learning analytics, open educational resources...etc)
In the beginning of 2019 a Europe wide survey was conducted by GÉANT to map the existing activities of NRENs to support their educational institutions beyond connectivity (e.g. innovative projects and existing services for education) and also to explore their interest in this area. You will hear about the results of this mapping exercise.
During the workshop, the NRENs explore opportunities to collaborate. The aim of the workshop is to identify three promising topics, and to define a first draft for a collaborative project. Projects can be aimed at knowledge-sharing, developing services, joined procurement, etc. Each project identifies one NREN that will be in the lead of this project.
Please register in advance for this webinar via this link.
After registering, you will receive a confirmation email containing information about joining the webinar.
8:00 - 8:15 :
Introduction to the workshop
Intro Open Space segment
Intro to the Task Force
8:15 - 8:35:
Results of the European NREN educational activities and services
8:35 - 8:50:
Lifecycle example of Learning Management Systems for NRENs
8:50 - 9:10:
Burning ideas on educational services and activities, MyAcademic ID
9:10 - 9:50:
Group work
9:50 - 10:10:
Results - presentations of the groups work
10:10 - 10:20:
Terms of Reference feedback discussion
10:20 - 10:30:
Next steps + Conclusions
Gyöngyi Horváth (GÉANT)
Operational aspects of Spectrum Sharing implementation
16/06 09.00 - 17.30 | Small Hall
After many years of testing and demos on “Alien Wavelength” in both NREN and operator community we see the first wave of available Alien Wavelength services in the market. As a continuations of this trend and technical maturity the work package 7 in GN4-3 is working on developing/creating a Spectrum Sharing service. This workshop will invite speakers from operator and NREN communities who deliver Alien Wavelength (AW) and Spectrum Sharing services (SS) to share their experiences with us. Some of the subjects we are going to cover are:
• What kind of technical functionalities the host network should have in order to support AW/SS services?
• What is the AW requirements? (agreements e.g. wavelength, power level etc )
• Do network providers have any AW/SS SLAs?
• How do network providers share monitoring and operational responsibilities between the host network and alien wave clients? (multi-domain management problem)
• How do network providers handle security issues?
- When an alien wave is sending too high or too low power to the host network or having the wrong wavelength etc. How should AWs be policed?
- Is the AW at the receiver side receiving a broad spectrum or only the wavelength it allowed to receive (it is depend on the kind of ROADM architecture the host network is deployed)
• Some case study and experiences on deployment and operation of AW/SS.
Preliminary agenda:
0930-0940: Introduction
0940-1005: ESnet6 Optical Layer - From Photons to Policy, Chin Guok, Planning and Architecture Group Lead at ESnet
1005-1030: Alien waves over a Power Company network, Tim Rayner, Optical Engineer at AARNet
1030-1055: Spectrum interconnect and control, Magnus Bergroth, Layer 0-3 Architect at SUNET
1055-1115: coffee break
1115-1130: report from TIP-CANDI, Guy Roberts, Senior Transport Network Architect at GEANT
1130-1200: Panel #1: Participants from NREN
1200-1230: TIP-PSE: Physical simulation applied to real network architectures, Gert Grammel, Solutions and Network Architecture at Juniper Networks and activity leader at TIP-PSE
12:30-13:30 lunch
13:30-14:00 Operating the Spectrum services in Aqua Comms, Nigel Bayliff (Aqua Comms) and Ian Clarke (Ciena)
14:00-14:30 Spectrum Services – Pushing the capacity boundaries, Daniel Cury, Product Manager - Capacity Services at Telxius
1430-1500: Availability merits for optical spectrum services used in mission critical networks (Baltic Optical Network example)”. Andris Skadins, ITT Sales Director at Latvenergo AS and Kaida Kaeval Research Engineer Advanced Technology at ADVA Optical Networking
15:00-15:30 Coffee break
15:30-16:00: Alien Wavelengths at SURFnet, and evolution to Spectrum Sharing, Rob Smets, Architect Optical Network at SURFnet and Jonathan Homa, Senior Director Portfolio Marketing at ECI Telecom
16:00-17:00: Panel #2 Participants from vendor and operator communities
Please note registration for this session is required. Please register here.
If you have any difficulties with registering please contact kurosh@uninett.no
If you join this meeting remotely, calling details will be shared a few days in advance. Please do register and select remote participation in the registration link.
Kurosh Bozorgebrahimi (Uninett)
Orchestration, Automation and Virtualisation (OAV) BoF
20/06 09.00 - 12.30 | D-Hall
TNC19: Orchestration, Automation and Virtualisation (OAV) BoF
This side meeting, which has been organised by WP6 of the new GÉANT GN4-3 project, explores issues around the adoption and use of orchestration, automation and virtualisation (OAV) in the GÉANT and NREN communities.
Existing network infrastructures require significant operational workload when it comes to configuration, troubleshooting and management of network services. Traditional approaches require a significant amount of manual and repetitive configuration by network managers to deploy and manage a network service. Thus, in recent years, the R&E networking community has started taking steps towards low-level automation as a way to reduce human, error prone, intervention and instead abstract their multi-vendor, multi-technology platforms to a programmatic environment. Such low-level automation capabilities can further be exploited using service orchestration to synthesise high-level automation of workflows and processes, coupled with back-end configuration management databases.. Interoperability and standardisation are important properties for a successful transition towards automated, flexible and cost-effective service orchestration of single and multi-domain services.
The main purpose of the meeting is to act as a BoF session for the consensus building phase of the GÉANT GN4-3 WP6 activity on Network Services Evolution and Development by discussing the current status and future plans and trends concerning service orchestration in automated and/or virtualised network environments, with a view to exploring common ground within the R&E networking community that in turn can foster interoperability and use of common standards. The result of the consensus building will shape the future work of the project.
The project has already run a survey of NRENs, structured into the areas of current OSS/BSS systems, current OAV use cases, challenges in adopting OAV, future use cases, and how the GÉANT project might help the NRENs. The survey drew responses from 30 NRENs, the results of which were presented at the GN4-3 Future Service Strategy Workshop in Amsterdam on 9 May 2019, and where open discussion was then held on the future strategy and immediate next steps to take. The outcome of those discussions will be presented in this session to seed discussion.
To see the agenda and register to attend this open meeting in person or remotely please visit eventr.
Sonja Filiposka (Ss. Cyril and Methodius University)
P4 Programming BoF - Exploring R&E Community Use Cases
20/06 14.00 - 17.30 | D-Hall
P4 Programming BoF - Exploring R&E Community Use Cases
The P4 programming language offers the potential to facilitate more rapid testing and deployment of new network functions and services through an open source software interface to the underlying hardware of capable network equipment. There is a growing international P4 community, and a number of organisations interested in the technology within the European R&E community. P4 is primarily supported by vendors of “white box” equipment.
The GÉANT GN4-3 project started on 1 January 2019; it includes activities within WP6 Task 1 on white box technology and data plane programmability (DPP). The latter activity includes the initial use case of network monitoring (e.g., Netflow or counter-based monitoring, or in-band packet telemetry, generation of enhanced flow characteristics), but is expected to extend to other areas, potentially including DDoS mitigation. Platforms that are being used are expected to include FPGA equipment and also Tofino-based Wedge equipment. During the first months of the project the existing work done and anticipated use cases will be documented and proposed; this BoF aims to describe and solicit feedback and discussion on the proposals.
In the search for future Internet technologies (such as SCION, RINA and NDN) that can support secure, stable and transparent functions, the 2STiC Programme (a cooperation between NLnet Labs, SIDN Labs, SURFnet, TUDelft, UTwente and UvA) is looking at P4-enabled networks to be able to test these future Internet technologies in a multi-domain environment. Aspects like data plane, control plane including management functions will be of importance. The initial experience around a multi-domain P4 testbed using In-band Network Telemetry (INT) for hop recording will be shared with the community. Members of the 2STiC Programme will contribute to the BoF.
The BoF aims to help build a the P4 community within the R&E environment (including GÉANT, NRENs, campuses and research organisations), focusing on use cases for P4, building expertise through the sharing of best practices, including experiences and examples of P4 software being used, and exploring TNC2019 potential common use cases and opportunities.
To see the agenda and register to attend this open meeting in person or remotely please visit eventr.
Tim Chown (Jisc)
Radiator technical workshop
20/06 09.00 - 12.30 | Seminar Room
Radiator AAA server software as an integral component in building eduroam RADIUS confederation. It is used from eduroam top level RADIUS servers to individual organisation RADIUS servers.
In the workshop we will present, discuss and develop further best practices in configuring and utilising Radiator AAA software based on the recommendations of Radiator experts and feedback from our users.
We also welcome participants interested in eduroam, govroam and other RADIUS federations, interoperability or just interested to learn more how to integrate with RADIUS based AAA solutions.
- 9:30 - 10:00 Introduction, what’s new with Radiator (Software)
- 10:00 - 11:00 Using Radiator to ensure better SP/IdP connections to eduroam/govroam
- 11.00 - 12.30 Meet the Radiator developers: Radiator tuning andconfiguration hints, questions, answers, feature discussion, use cases
Please register here.
Karri Huhtanen (Radiator Software Oy)
16/06 09.00 - 17.30 | Woodblock Hall
Annual REFEDS meeting of Federation Operators and other interested parties. The meeting will present updates from the REFEDS workplan alongside presentations and themes for community members and a series of lightning talks. Please register: here.
Nicole Harris (GÉANT)
Security Day
20/06 09.00 - 14.30 | Terrace Hall
In the past few years, there has been a significant increase in security related talks, meetings and other activities at TNC, which is mirroring what is happening in the R&E community as a whole - security has become a priority of most organisations, which led to formation and expansion of various security collaborations (TF-CSIRT, SIG-ISM, WISE, Global NREN Security working group, etc) and a creation of a separate security work package in the GN4-3 project. Although many of the groups are working on similar topics, there is not enough coordination and collaboration between them.
The main aims of the Security Day event would be to share the work that has already been done so going forward nobody is trying to ‘reinvent the wheel’ and look at how to collaborate in the future, sharing resources and avoiding duplication.
The session will be in two parts:
1. Introductions by various groups: GN4-3 Security work package, SIG-ISM, WISE, TF-CSIRT, Global NREN Security working group, (+ any others)
2. Security Unconference: all participants will be invited to suggest topics for the agenda of the second part of the day. The agenda for the afternoon will be made of the most popular topics and led by the participant who suggested the topic.
Separate registration is required: here.
Sigita Jurkynaite (GÉANT)
SIG-Marcomms & Global PR Network joint meeting
16/06 09.00 - 17.30 | Terrace Hall
The GÉANT Special Interest Group on Marketing Communications (SIG-Marcomms) and the Global PR Network will hold a joint meeting at TNC19. The groups will explore challenges and opportunities in the marketing communications work which supports the core business of research and education networks around the world. Participants will share their experiences and best practices and explore which TNC19 sessions and keynotes look promising for future marcomms work and collaborations.
Separate registration is required, please register here.
Laura Durnford (GÉANT)
Helga Spitaler (GÉANT)
SINET(NII)/GÉANT collaboration progress review
17/06 14.00 - 15.30 | D-Hall
Review progress with implementing 3rd year of collaborative activities between SINET and the GÉANT community in the areas of cloud computing, Trust and identity, SDN and promoting high speed EU/Japan applications.
David West (GÉANT)
Software-defined perimeters: The future for network security and 100% traffic inspection
19/06 13.20 - 13.50 | Demo area
The demo is of a security inspection solution for 100 Gbps that decouples security from the network using in-line horizontal scaling and enables 100% traffic inspection even when all traffic encrypted. Unlike current attempts to achieve inspection at scale, decoupling security from the network can create an architecture that allows security inspection and services to be added or removed without impacting network performance and without any expensive changes to the network. We will show an in-line security service load balancer controlling and enabling traffic offload to a cluster of multi-vendor SSL/TLS inspection appliances; i.e. intelligently splitting work between more devices so you can inspect 100% of your traffic. The SSL/TLS cluster will be made up of both physical and virtual appliances. We will also discuss how this same security service load balancer copying traffic, generating NetFlow (sampled or 1:1) at this same point in the network produces valuable information for network and security monitoring analytics and your security intelligence stack.
Carolyn Raab (Corsa Technology)
19/06 18.00 - 20.00 | Woodblock Hall
Within the NREN world International user organisations are a strange breed. They come in many different sizes and forms; spanning multiple countries as individual campuses (multinational), or having operations within a number of countries at co-located sites but one central headquarters (transnational). Due to the differing AUPs, legislation and respective procedures across multiple NRENs, approaches in provide services to these types of organisations have taken a variety of forms. This workshop will explore some of the ways GÉANT Association with NREN partners work with these types of organisations and give participants the chance to shape how the GÉANT community could deliver services to international organisations in a better defined way.
Chris Atherton (GÉANT)
TNC19 Conference Dinner
18/06 19.30 - 23.00 | Seaplane Harbour Museum
We all agree that the conference dinner is TNC’s social programme highlight. This year’s chosen venue is the Seaplane Harbour, the very popular Estonian Maritime Museum. The impressive building hosting the museum, the Seaplane Hangar is filled with great ideas, adventures and history and thanks to its striking architecture and cultural heritage, it has won many prestigious international prizes.
All registered participants (with a Full Conference Pass) are cordially invited to take part in TNC19’s unforgettable night at the museum!
The Seaplane Harbour is located at Vesilennuki 6 in the Kalamaja neighbourhood, approx. 1.3 km walking distance from the Kultuurikatel.
You can use public transportation (free for TNC19 delegates wearing the congress badge) or take a taxi. Bus no. 73 will take you directly to the venue, bus stop “Lennusadam”.
After dinner a coach service will operate from the Seaplane Harbour to the city centre. Buses will depart from the museum from 22:00 until 23:30, every 15 minutes. The first stop is “Linnahalli” – across the road from the Kultuurikatel and near the Tallink Spa & Conference and Europa Hotels. The last stop is Mere pst 5 in the city centre, next to the Sokos Hotel Viru, Estoria and the Nordic Hotel Forum. From there you can take a taxi or public transport to other destinations in and around the city.
- N/A
TNC19 Kick-off Party
17/06 20.30 - 00.00 | Bar F-Hoone
This year, breaking away from tradition, TNC will host its first ever Kick-off Party on the first day of the conference to set the scene for TNC19 and get everybody networking. The party will take place at the F-Hoone Bar, a modern venue situated in the lively Telliskivi area, which few times a month turns into the most happening party spot in Tallinn. Come to spend time with old friends, meet new ones and mingle with all of us in a fun, relaxed and informal atmosphere.
Drinks included (max 4 alcoholic drinks and unlimited for non-alcoholic drinks) and live music!
Please, note that you MUST take your conference badge with you to join the party.
Bar F-Hoone
Telliskivi 60a
- N/A
TNC19 Morning Run
17/06 08.00 - 09.00 | Tallinn
EENet of HITSA will lead the traditional TNC Morning Run. We will meet on the 17th June at 07:45am - the run will start at 08:00 on the dot - at the Kultuurikatel (Tallinn Creative Hub). After some warm-up exercises we will run along the narrow streets of Tallinn’s Town Wall, pass by the Aleksandr Nevski Cathedral and Toompea Castle, head back via the city’s luscious parks and complete the run at the Kultuurikatel. Amazing views and a memorable experience guaranteed! Distance - approx. 5 km -
We are pleased to inform you that the first 30 runners to register will receive a FREE commemorative TNC19 t-shirt.
- N/A
TNC19 Opening Reception
17/06 17.30 - 19.00 | Kultuurikatel 'Tallinn Creative Hub'
The Opening Reception will take place at the Tallinn Creative Hub 'Kultuurikatel', TNC19’s main venue, on Monday 17th June, right after the last parallel session of the day. Finger food servings will be accompanied by drinks which will be served at the bar. This is your first chance to socialise with other delegates, meet the speakers and engage with the sponsors.
Please note that only drinks and canapes will be offered at the Opening Reception
The Opening Reception will be co-hosted by EENet of HITSA and Google.
- N/A
TNC19 Speakers' Reception
16/06 18.00 - 19.30 | Tallinn Town Hall
- by invitation only -
This exclusive event for speakers and session chairs is the perfect opportunity for them to meet and discuss the presentations, as well as to meet former colleagues and make new contacts. The Speaker´s Reception will take place at the Tallinn Town Hall in the old town of Tallinn.
Light snacks and drinks will be served.
Tallinn Town Hall
Raekoja plats 1
- N/A
WiFiMon - Roadmap discussions
20/06 14.00 - 17.30 | Tower Room
To detect automatically performance degradation (BW, Latency) in the network: With the WiFiMon Hybrid approach we establish an alert system (based on HW-probes), which detect in real time performance lack based on the performance benchmark (history). Benefit of such a system is the performance VERIFICATION resulting in a QoA statement that supports the NRENs NOCs in decision-making.
To make prediction to performance behaviour technically and strategically: Prediction of performance behaviour will be recognized through recording long-term histories and making performance benchmarking. Existing work in performance predictions shall be evaluated, and deep learning, a machine learning approach for mobile-client behaviour on the campus will be deployed. The visualization of prediction facilitates the decision-making process of the NRENs and Campuses NOCs.
To build WiFiMon as a Service:WiFiMon as a service is based on the PLM process(Ref ? ) or will be built on the MIT’s approach of Design thinking process (https://goo.gl/pjU1qS ). So for a productive service standards and open APIs has to be considered. The benefit of such a service/product provides a quality statement and allows cost-effective planning (CAPEX/OPEX).
Kurt Baumann (SWITCH)
WP5 T2 Offering IdP-as-a-Service
17/06 14.00 - 15.30 | Terrace Hall
As a result of interest from several NRENS, and indirectly from their stakeholders, the GÉANT GN4-3 Trust and Identity Incubator activity is investigating the capabilities and associated business models for an IdP-as-Service offering.
This meeting provides an opportunity to share current thinking on these topics, and to gather and discuss the views of the community on such an offering.
Alan Lewis (N/A)
WP8 T3.3 DDoS coordination workshop
20/06 14.30 - 17.00 | Terrace Hall
The workshop will introduce the DDoS activities within the current GÉANT project phase. The focus will lie on outlining the planned activities to support the DDoS activities within the NRENs, as well as showing the planned activities for the GÉANT network itself. This is the first DDoS workshop of the current GÉANT project phase, so it will also be used to kickstart coordination activities between the NRENs.
The agenda consists of 20 minute time slots which will either be filled by talks or discussion points. While the exact timetable will be laid out closer to the Workshop day, the planned time slots are as follows:
- GÉANT DDoS Task introductions ( GN4.3 WP8 T3.3 )
- The DDoS Situation within GÉANT itself (Evangelos Spatharas, GÉANT)
- Supporting NRENs and GÉANT with NeMo (Jochen Schönfelder, DFN-CERT)
- Firewall on Demand (FoD) updates and integration (David Schmitz, LRZ)
- DDoS-handling at CESNET (Tomáš Čejka, CESNET)
- DDoS at GARR + DDoS survey results (Nino Ciurleo, GARR)
- DDoS Protection in DFN's service portfolio (Ralf Gröper, DFN)
- Discussion point: "Request for collaboration: What do we want to share during DDoS attacks?"
- Discussion point: "Request for collaboration: Create a DDoS working group?"
As most of the GÉANT DDoS subtask group will be at the venue, you will also have the possibility to get into contact. We will be very open to any ideas on enhancing the DDoS situation within the GÉANT community.
Interested parties -- if not already directly addressed -- should get into contact with WP8 T3.3 if they want to participate.
Jochen Schoenfelder (N/A)