
Era Ajdaraga Krluku
Ss. Cyril and Methodius University
Era Ajdaraga Krluku is finishing up her bachelor's degree in Computer Science and Engineering at the Saints Cyril and Methodius University in Skopje, Macedonia.
In 2017 she became a part of the team developing ECGalert - an expert system for heart monitoring and analysis.
The main focus of her work is in researching the many parameters that affect the accuracy of signal processing in ECG processing systems, and overcoming the challenges of noise and signal disruption.
Era is passionate about empowering women in and through ICT, encouraging young women and girls to pursue studies and careers in science and providing them with the required skills early on in their education.
- FOG Computing as a Lifeline for E-Health Users
which is part of session Lightning Talks: Second Strike

Chris Atherton
Chris Atherton is a Research Engagement Officer at GÉANT, focusing on providing cutting-edge pan-European networking, and trust and identity services. His role focuses on supporting International user communities and organisations, as well as identifying new solutions to specific research requirements primarily in the Earth Observation, Astronomy and Planetary Science communities. Chris has over 10 years’ experience working in the IT and Space industry prior to joining GÉANT and holds a BSc (Hons) in Computer Networks and Security.
- eduTEAMS - Enabling digital communities
which is part of session eduTEAMS - Enabling digital communities

Giuseppe Attardi
Consortium GARR
Giuseppe Attardi is full professor of Computer Science at the University of Pisa.
He is Coordinator of the CSD Department at GARR, that offers a Federated Cloud Computing Platform for Italian research.
His relevant contributions include the Omega Description Logic, Arianna, the first Italian Web search engine, Theseus, a Web page categorizer, DeSR, a multilingual dependency parser, WikiExtractor for extracting text from Wikipedia.
Attardi has developed innovative software tools, including the Lisp Machine Window System at MIT, the memory manager used in Java, ECL Common Lisp, DeepNL, a Deep Learning NLP pipeline.
Attardi did research at the MIT AI Lab, at the ICSI in Berkeley, at the Sony Computer Science Laboratory in Paris and at Yahoo! Research Barcelona.
He founded a few university spin-offs: DELPHI, Ideare, Link.it and WebSays.
- Open Infrastructure: Integrating OpenStack and Kubernetes
which is part of session Lightning Talks: Second Strike

Akuzike Banda
University of Malawi, Chancellor College
Akuzike Banda is a Staff Associate in Computer Science at Chancellor College, University of Malawi, in Malawi. Akuzike is currently pursuing a Master of Science in Bioinformatics at the University of Malawi. She has a Bachelor of Science in Computer Science degree. Her research interest is application of Machine Learning tools to improve health related research and health care.
- Prediction of Emergence of Novel Rotavirus Lineages in G1P[8] and G2P[4] Strains
which is part of session Lightning Talks: Second Strike

Thomas Barton
University of Chicago and Internet2
Tom Barton is Sr Consultant for Cybersecurity and Data Privacy at the University of Chicago and a consultant for Internet2. In both capacities his focus is on enabling science and scholarship through trust and security. He had prior assignments as UChicago's Chief Information Security Officer and Sr Director for Integration, and Director of Network Services and Infrastructure at the University of Memphis, where he was a member of the mathematics faculty before turning to administration. He's a member of the REFEDS Steering Committee, Internet2's CACTI, TrustedCI's Advisory Committee, and for many years led the Grouper project.
- From Transparency to Practice: InCommon Baseline Expectations
which is part of session Are we done with T&I?

Giacomo Bernardi
Extreme Networks
Giacomo is Director of Emerging Technologies at Extreme Networks, and has been on ML since before it was cool.
Previously, he was CTO of a Telco where he developed a custom hardware/software SDN stack GPU-based
traffic engineering which still powers a country-wide network.
Before that, he got his PhD from the University of Edinburgh and built a community ISP in the remotest corner of the Scottish Highlands.
- IoT Cybersecurity with Natural Language Processing
which is part of session Crypto For Now!
Jeronimo Bezerra
- AmLight-INT: In-band Network Telemetry to support big data applications
which is part of session SDN and Optical:New kids on the block
Alexander Blanc

Erik-Jan Bos
Since 1987, Erik-Jan Bos has been heavily involved with and committed to data networking for R&E (Research and Education), right after his graduation from Delft University of Technology, where he did research into the performance of wide area networks.
After working for SURFnet, the Dutch national R&E Network, for more than 23 years, he left his CTO position at SURFnet to pursue other challenges.
Since 2011, Erik-Jan works for NORDUnet as Policy & Strategy Officer. Among other things, he is project leader of the ANA (Advanced North Atlantic) collaboration that led to the world's first clear channel 100G intercontinental lambda. In ANA, five R&E Networks work together with ESnet and the NEAAR Project, running a fully resilient data transmission system for R&E, at 800 Gbit/s, across the North Atlantic Ocean.
Erik-Jan is also a co-chair of the Global Network Architecture (GNA) Technical working group, that works towards defining an ambitious, all-inclusive blueprint for the next generation global network interconnect for Research and Education, known as the GREN (Global Research & Education Network).
- CAE-1: A Next Step in Securing Sustainable Intercontinental R&E Bandwidth in the GREN
which is part of session Under the sea
Kurosh Bozorgebrahimi
- Spectrum Sharing for Next Generation Networks
which is part of session Sharing (Spectrum) Fair & QAM64

Hindrik Buining
Hindrik Buining leads the software development team at AARNet. He leads a small nimble team trying to make it efficiently scale to something larger. Prior to AARNet he spent 11 years leading large software development teams at Australia’s largest telco while trying make them as nimble as a team that was smaller.
- Analytics@AARNet - Reaching Deeper into the Research Community
which is part of session Opening data silos
Nicholas Buraglio
ESnet (DOE Office of Science - Energy Sciences Network)
- SDN is the Easy Part: Production OpenFlow
which is part of session SDN and Optical:New kids on the block
Sebastiano Buscaglione
GEANT Association
Sebastiano Buscaglione, is a professional in the field of networking with several years of experience working in large scale service provider networks. Before joining DANTE, now GÉANT, in 2012 where he is currently employed as Senior Network Architect he worked as part of the At&t global operations department supporting global enterprise VPN services.
- GÉANT Network Evolution
which is part of session Next Generation Networks in the UK, USA and EU

Tim Chown
Dr Tim Chown is the Network Development Manager for Jisc, who operate Janet, the UK's research and education network. He is Work Package Leader for the Network Technologies and Services Development WP of the new GÉANT GN4-3 project, which runs until December 2022. His interests include network service orchestration and automation, network monitoring, IPv6, network security, and end-to-end network performance. He is a Visiting Fellow at the University of Southampton, co-chair of the UK IPv6 Council, a PC member of UKNOF, and an active contributor to the IETF, where he sits on the Internet and Operations Area Directorates.
- Network technology and service development in the new GÉANT Project
which is part of session Multilayered service orchestration and monitoring

Natalia Costas Lago
Natalia Costas is a Telecommunication Engineer by the University of Vigo and Master of Science in Information Security by the University of Deusto. She has 15 years of experience working as a Senior Communications Technician at the Galicia Supercomputing Centre (CESGA). Her main activities are the management of the Galician Regional Research Network (RECETGA) and the network and systems administration at CESGA facilities.
She has been involved in many innovation projects contributing her knowledge in networking and also in high performance services and infrastructures; projects like SIGAIM where she developed an scalable IT architecture, secure and reliable, supporting a platform to improve and automate the extraction of information generated in primary attention centres for the health system. Cloudpyme, about the deployment of CAD/CAE technologies in Galician SMEs, or MHScaE for the optimization and scaling of automated recording of classes for the Opencast/Matterhorn platform, among others.
- Performance analysis comparison between Academic and Commercial Internet
which is part of session Workshop: Time to go back to the drawing board?

Tangui Coulouarn
Tangui Coulouarn, PhD, works at the Technical University of Denmark (DTU). He focusses on DeiC, the Danish NREN. He has also been involved in the development of different network, trust and identity, and security services in GÉANT. He is currently the chairman of the eduVPN board at the Commons Conservancy.
- eduVPN
which is part of session edu*

Luca Coviello
Fondazione Bruno Kessler - Consortium GARR
Luca Coviello received the M.Sc. double degree in Data Science and Innovation & Entrepreneurship in November 2018 from the EIT Digital Master School (Universidad Politécnica de Madrid (UPM) and the Université Nice Sophia Antipolis (UNS)).
He has been working at Fondazione Bruno Kessler (FBK) as a junior scientific programmer since 2014, focusing on the application of machine learning to bioimaging and natural language processing and the development of cloud-based framework for large scale dataset analysis.
He is now a GARR fellowship student at FBK, working on the application of artificial intelligence to agriculture as a low cost solution for improving crop quantity and quality.
- Democratizing Smart Farming with AI on LoRa Sensor Networks
which is part of session Lightning Talks: First Strike

Antoine Delvaux
Poznań Supercomputing and Networking Center
Antoine Delvaux holds a M.Sc.Eng. degree in Computer Science from the University of Liège, Belgium (1999). He is working for PSNC, the Poznań Supercomputing and Networking Center, and is perfSONAR Service Manager in the GÉANT project. He has participated in different network and services monitoring activities, both on the operational and the software development sides, for many years and for various (N)REN (Belnet, Dante, PSNC, WACREN, International Networks @ Indiana University). He is involved in the perfSONAR project since 2008.
- 5 things you didn’t know about perfSONAR
which is part of session Lightning Talks: First Strike

Astrit Desku
- Impact of snippet codes from Stack Overflow in real projects
which is part of session Lightning Talks: First Strike
Casper Dreef
Casper is Project Managment Assistant at GÉANT, focusing on providing cutting-edge pan-European networking, and trust and identity services. His role focuses on supporting the Trust & Identity Operations team and the Community Programme.
He is also a member of the Up2University project coordination team.
- Back to the Future: Bringing students to the XXI century
which is part of session Digital collaborations

Etienne Dysli Metref
I'm a software engineer and I write my tests first. 😉 Currently working for SWITCH in the Trust & Identity team, most of the code I develop is for our SWITCH edu-ID service.
- SWITCH edu-ID: How to spoof Identity Providers
which is part of session Trust and Security for Students

Rob Evans
I am the Chief network architect at Jisc, responsible for bringing together the architecture of Janet, the UK's research and education network, from the fibre in the ground, through the transmission and IP layers to the services running on top of it.
I've been involved in European R&E networking since 1999 when I joined the University of London Computer Centre, and taking on some responsibility for managing the IP layer of TEN-155, the predecessor to GEANT.
- Deploying 400Gbit/s on the Janet network
which is part of session Next Generation Networks in the UK, USA and EU

Marcos Felipe Schwarz
is Research & Development Coordinator at the Brazilian National Research and Education Network (RNP) since 2014. He holds a B.Sc. degree in Computer Science from Santa Catarina State University (UDESC) in 2011 and a M.S. degree in Computer Engineering from University of São Paulo (USP) in 2014. He works at RNP coordinating R&D projects involving advanced internet, network performance monitoring, dynamic circuit networks and involved in research and experimentation related to Software-Defined Networking.
- Software-Defined Infrastructure at RNP
which is part of session Lightning Talks: First Strike

Tiziana Ferrari
EGI Foundation
Tiziana is Technical Director at the EGI Foundation, the coordinating body of EGI, the federated e-Infrastructure set up to provide advanced computing services for data-driven research and innovation. Through its partners at European and international level and strategic collaborations with research infrastructures, EGI leads innovation in high-throughput computing, cloud, data management and security.
Since January 2018, she is project coordinator of EOSC-hub, the EC funded project bringing together an extensive group of national and international service providers and research infrastructures to create the EOSC Hub: a central contact point for European researchers and innovators to discover, access, use and reuse a broad spectrum of resources for advanced data-driven research. Tiziana was formerly Chief Operations Officer of EGI, taking care of the operations coordination of the technical infrastructure, one the largest computing platforms for research in the world.
She is a promoter of the Open Science Commons and participated in the definition of the EGI governance and service portfolio in the framework of the EGI_DS project. Tiziana holds a PhD in Electronics and Data Communications Engineering from the Universita’ degli Studi in Bologna.
- European Open Science Cloud (EOSC): It’s a brave new world - creating and supporting digital Communities
which is part of session EOSC

UTAD – Universidade de Trás-os-Montes e Alto Douro
Graduated in Comunicação e Multimedia in at the University of Trás-os-Montes e Alto Douro (UTAD), Portugal, in 2016. Currently a Master’s degree student in Comunicação e Multimedia at UTAD, Whilst studying for the Master’s did research on Machine Learning. My focus has been on Identification of forest and agricultural species through machine learning.
- Building community Machine Learning Tool for agriculture and forest species identification
which is part of session Lightning Talks: First Strike
Sonja Filiposka
Ss. Cyril and Methodius University
Associate Professor at the Faculty of Computer Science and Engineering. Teaching and research in the areas of complex networks, service oriented architectures, security and cloud computing. Has published over 150 papers in various international journals and conferences and participated in a number of national and international projects including GN3, GN4, and Vi-SEEM. Head of the faculty CSIRT and a representative in ACM Women in computing.
- Network technology and service development in the new GÉANT Project
which is part of session Multilayered service orchestration and monitoring
Dale Finkelson
- Internet2 Next Generation Infrastructure: Process and Community Engagement
which is part of session Next Generation Networks in the UK, USA and EU

Lars Fischer
Lars Fischer is strategy & policy officer at NORDUnet. He leads NORDUnet’s participation in European projects and initiatives (including GÉANT), and relationships with the European research and education networking community.
Before joining NORDUnet in 2004, Lars spent ten years in the Internet and telecommunications industry. Lars has worked with advanced networking and computing systems as a programmer, systems administrator, researcher and manager for the past 30 years
- NORDUnet Emerging NREN Program
which is part of session Why Communities Matter

Mary Fleming
Mary Fleming - Director International
AARNet Pty Ltd - The Australian National Research and Education Network.
Mary is currently responsible for International engagement at AARNet including AARNet’s recent investments in submarine cable systems. Previously Mary headed up the Business Development function at AARNet responsible for commercial and legal functions. For some 6 years Mary chaired the Steering Committee for TEIN*CC the 4th generation of the Trans Eurasian Information Network.
Mary is a Member of the Australian Institute of Company Directors having served on a number of Boards in Australia and as a Company Secretary. Prior to joining AARNet Mary held many senior international positions in the ICT industry with such companies as Citibank, Ericsson, Australian Press, PA Management and Westpac and has lived and worked in Asia, Australia,
USA and the UK.
- CAE-1: A Next Step in Securing Sustainable Intercontinental R&E Bandwidth in the GREN
which is part of session Under the sea

Licia Florio
Licia is a Senior Trust and Identity Manager in GÉANT. Over the last fifteen years, Licia has been involved in many of key initiatives that make up the current European and global Authentication and Authorisation Infrastructure for R&E and has been very active in bringing together the NRENs and the eScience communities.
Currently she co-leads the Trust and Identity activities in the context of the GEANT project; the work in this space covers eduGAIN, eduroam, eduTEAM and InAcademia as well as other activities such as Enabling Communities and the Incubator.
Licia is also working with the Erasmus project communities to enable federated access to support student mobility.
Before the GEANT project, she managed the European Funded project on Authentication and Authorisation for Research collaboration (AARC) to enable federated access for eScience research collaborations; the project ended in April 2019.
In June 2018, Licia was awarded the prestigious Medal of Honour by the Vietsch Foundation that supports research and development of advanced internet technology for scientific research and higher education.
- AEGIS: ensuring continuity in federated access for research collaboration beyond the AARC Project and into the EOSC
which is part of session Are we done with T&I?

Renato Furter
Renato is team leader of the collaboration team at SWITCH
He's been working at SWITCH since more than 10 years.
He used to be a software engineer.
He's the holder of the inaugural TNC lightning talk award.
- "But on <insert favourite service> I get <insert favourite feature> for free!"
which is part of session Lightning Talks: First Strike
Charlene GABA
National Institute of Water, University of Abomey-Calavi, BENIN
- Strengthening engineering research and training in Africa through Low cost environmental monitoring systems
which is part of session Lightning Talks: Second Strike

Maria Isabel Gandia Carriedo
Maria Isabel Gandia is the Head of Communications at CSUC (Consorci de Serveis Universitaris de Catalunya), responsible for the management of the Regional Research and Education Network in Catalonia (Anella Científica), the Neutral Internet Point in Catalonia (CATNIX) and its network services and tools. She has developed her entire professional career in the communications network environment. She started at Universitat Politècnica de Catalunya and later worked at the Supercomputing Center of Catalonia, as a technician of communications and technology leader in technology and at the Center de Serveis Científics i Acadèmics de Catalunya (CESCA), as technology leader and Head of Communications. She participates in several working groups and panels of national and international experts related to the network, such as the ESNOG forum, the RIPE meeting program committee, the Euro-IX Association Benchmarking Club or the Steering Committee of the SIG-NOC Group at Géant.
- Dragons, Sharks, Unicorns and Elves; Stories of Crisis Exercises
which is part of session Are you ready for your next crisis?

Jim Ghadbane
Jim Ghadbane was appointed President and CEO of CANARIE in 2013, after joining the organization as Chief Technology Officer in 2010. Jim’s leadership, technical expertise and focus on stakeholder needs support an increased impact and relevance of CANARIE programs and services in Canada’s public and private sectors.
Nationally, Jim works to strengthen the governance, collaborative operation, and evolution of Canada’s National Research and Education Network (NREN). Internationally, Jim works with global colleagues on the NREN CEO Forum to guide the evolution of the global network of research and education network.
Prior to joining CANARIE, Jim held a variety of executive positions at leading ICT companies, including Bridgewater Systems (now part of Amdocs), Ceyba Corporation, Alcatel Corporation, and Newbridge Networks. Jim is a devoted mentor to many colleagues and an avid golfer.
- The Power of Human Disruption
which is part of session Why Communities Matter

Victoriano Giralt
Universidad de Málaga
Current CIO for the University of Málaga. Fisrt president of the Groningen Declaration Network Foundation (https://www.gronigendeclaration.org). Participant in several EU and global projects related to Academic Identity and Data exchange. Active in Digital Identity and Identity Federations related activities since 2005. Co-author of RFC6338.
- EuWireless – An initiative to deliver pan-European mobile research capabilities over licensed spectrum
which is part of session 5G: pan-European mobile research capabilities
Ivana Golub
Poznań Supercomputing and Networking Center
- Network technology and service development in the new GÉANT Project
which is part of session Multilayered service orchestration and monitoring

Maria Grammatikou
Maria Grammatikou is a Senior Researcher and Coordinator of the Network Management and Optimal Design Laboratory (NETMODE) in NTUA, Greece. She works as a Teaching Fellow in NTUA. Her research interests include topics on management and Optimal Design of Computer Communication Networks, Quality of Service, Security and Intrusion Detection Systems, Cloud Computing Architectures, 5G Networking, Electronic Commerce and web-based technologies, parallel/distributed systems and communication systems evaluation. She has a PhD in Computer Science from the NTUA of Greece. She has several publications in conferences, books and journals related to her research interests.
She has an extensive experience in software systems design & development and she has participated in many European projects. She is a member of IEEE and TEE and also she is a member of the WG7/TC48 Working Group and TM and DMT Forums
- Back to the Future: Bringing students to the XXI century
which is part of session Digital collaborations
David Groep
- AEGIS: ensuring continuity in federated access for research collaboration beyond the AARC Project and into the EOSC
which is part of session Are we done with T&I?

Jordi Guijarro
Jordi Guijarro, Operations and Cybersecurity Manager at CSUC (http://www.csuc.cat/en/), the catalan University services consortium. He obtained his bachelor in Computing Engineering at the Open University of Catalonia (UOC) and a Master in ICT Management at Universitat Ramon Llull (URL).
Expert in cloud oriented and cybersecurity services who currently leads the coordination of CSUC-CSIRT (Catalan RREN and CATNIX Cybersecurity Response team)
- Dragons, Sharks, Unicorns and Elves; Stories of Crisis Exercises
which is part of session Are you ready for your next crisis?

Eliza Gyulgyulyan
Ph. D. student
I am a joint Ph.D. student between the Institute for Informatics and Automation Problems of the National Academy of Sciences of Armenia (Armenian NREN ASNET-AM) and Institut de Recherche en Informatique de Toulouse (IRIT Toulouse III UPS, France). The research focus on the Big Data Analytics domain especially in terms of finding quality metrics. Currently, I am working on an Alert System for poor quality during Big Data analytics. Alongside with my research work, I am also a teaching associate in the American University of Armenia, Computer Science department, Human-Computer Interaction design subject.
- Alert System for Big Data quality: facing the challenge of data-correction
which is part of session Lightning Talks: First Strike

Albert Hankel
Albert Hankel is product manager Trust & Security at SURFnet, where he is responsible for Cybersave Yourself and works together with Dutch security and privacy communities in the Higher Education sector. Albert started working at SURFnet in 2007 after obtaining his Master of Science degree in AI and is currently pursuing a PhD in Computer Science.
- Security & Privacy Awareness for everyone!
which is part of session Trust and Security for Students
Mihály Héder
- eduTEAMS - Enabling digital communities
which is part of session eduTEAMS - Enabling digital communities
Roland Hedberg

David Heed
David had worked over 20 years as an it-security practitioner primarily for the Swedish government and academia. David has a wide palette of skills ranging from intrusion analysis & forensics, enterprise architecture, procurement and legal ramifications.
- Extending the NREN through Campus Network as a Service
which is part of session Lightning Talks: Second Strike
Jonathan Homa
- Differentiation in the Age of Optical Convergence
which is part of session SDN and Optical:New kids on the block
Bartlomiej Idzikowski
Bartlomiej Idzikowski graduated from Poznan University of Technology in 2003 (Computing Science - Computer Networks and Distributed Systems) and has become PSNC employee (Network Department). His research interests focus on video- and web-conferencing, high resolution video systems (4K, 8K), web-based applications, streaming technologies, network management and traffic monitoring. Bartlomiej's professional background is asserted by long-term cooperation within different European projects (GN2 – GN4, 6NET, Porta Optica Study, Phosporus, VISIONAIR), as well as national ones (Platon, Future Internet Engineering, Future ICT). Currently Task Leader for WebRTC task in GÉANT project, technical coordinator for TNC (The Networking Conference) and coordinator of the scientific TV team.
- TNC – behind the scenes
which is part of session Lightning Talks: Second Strike - edumeet – easy and cheap video-conferencing for NRENs
which is part of session edu*

olamma iheanetu
covenant university, Ota
Ola Iheanetu is a faculty with the department of Computer and Information Sciences, Covenant University, Ota, Nigeria. She has a Background in Electrical and Electronic Engineering (with a major in communication Engineering), from the Federal University of Technology, Owerri (FUTO), a masters in Information Science and doctoral degree in Information Science ( both form the University of Ibadan) with a research focus on natural language processing. She is interested in deploying human language technologies for African languages, Artificial Intelligence, IoTs and Robotics. She also has keen interest in machine learning and data analytics
- Face Recognition - Internet of Things Fused System for Criminal Recognition and Location Identification in West Africa
which is part of session Lightning Talks: First Strike
Xavier Jeannin
M. Xavier Jeannin is the Innovation Development Officer for RENATER, the French's research and education network. He is Network Technology Evolution task leader for WP6 of the new GÉANT GN4-3 project, which runs until December 2022. His interests include white box, P4 language, network service orchestration and automation, network monitoring, IPv6 and end-to-end network performance. He coordinates the network deployment for LHC and for HPC data centers in France.
- Network technology and service development in the new GÉANT Project
which is part of session Multilayered service orchestration and monitoring

Klara Jelinkova
Rice University
Klara Jelinkova is the Vice President for International Operations and IT and Chief Information Officer at Rice University. She is responsible for strategic technology issues ranging from governance, policy and resource allocation to protocol and organization. She represents the university's information technology interests nationally and internationally. She also leads efforts for a seamless connection to our campus through technology as well as other operational issues.
Klara joined Rice in January 2015. Prior to coming to Rice, Klara was the Senior Associate Vice President and Chief Information Technology Officer at the University of Chicago. While there, she restructured and realigned the IT function and was responsible for a number of system implementations and technology upgrades. She supported the global aspirations of the University of Chicago by overseeing the technology implementation of centers in Beijing, Delhi, and Hong Kong.
From 2006–2010, Klara served as the Assistant Vice President of Shared Services and Infrastructure at Duke University. She was also the interim CISO. Before coming to Duke, Klara spent 10 years at the University of Wisconsin-Madison.
Klara is an active member of several regional and national higher education organizations. She also serves on several industry advisory boards. Klara is also a lead Principal Investigator (PI) for several National Science Foundation (NSF) grants.
- Creating Learning Standards to Support Next Generation Digital Learning Environments
which is part of session Digital collaborations
David Jericho
- what if CloudStor overflows?! -- adding preservation to synch&share
which is part of session Opening data silos

Sigita Jurkynaite
Sigita is a Partner Relations Officer at GÉANT, Europe's leading collaboration on e-infrastructure and services for research and education. Sigita is leading an international Cybersecurity project, which includes 3 tasks: Business Continuity, Security Baselining and Security Products and Services.
Sigita has a BA Music Technology degree from the University of Bedfordshire (UK) and BA Liberal Arts and Sciences, majoring in Film and Literature studies, from the Amsterdam University College. She completed part of her second degree at the University of Toronto, focusing on Slavic languages and culture.
- She's just not that into IT
which is part of session Lightning Talks: First Strike

Merike Kaeo
Double Shot Security
Merike Kaeo is CEO and founder of Double Shot Security. She has over 25 years of experience in pioneering Internet technology deployments and developing strategic security initiatives. In 2007, she was instrumental in fostering cooperation and trust among the global operational security community and the Estonian National CERT during the cyber-attacks against Estonia. In 2014 Merike was part of the EU Network and Information Security (NIS) Working Group 2 that created guidelines and recommendations to promote the sharing of cyber threat information and incident coordination in both the public and private sectors in the EU.
Merike works part-time with the Network Startup Resource Center (NSRC) as a Network Security Adviser and contributes to the development of network security training programs for the NSRC group.
- Building Foundations of Trust
which is part of session Building Foundations of Trust / Research Infrastructures
Ivan Kanakarakis
- eduTEAMS - Enabling digital communities
which is part of session eduTEAMS - Enabling digital communities
Christos Kanellopoulos
- eduTEAMS - Enabling digital communities
which is part of session eduTEAMS - Enabling digital communities - AEGIS: ensuring continuity in federated access for research collaboration beyond the AARC Project and into the EOSC
which is part of session Are we done with T&I?

Maarten Kremers
Maarten is a Technical Product Manager Trust & Identity at SURFnet, where he joined in 2007 and is in his current role responsible as a project manager and technical product manager of the innovation and development of SURFnet Trust and Identity services. His current focus is on user-centric identity management, developing the EduID concept in the Netherlands. He has led tasks within the last 3 consecutive european GEANT projects, lastly as the leader of the next generation T&I Technology task, responsible for amongst others development of OIDC technology for R&E, user centric identity management and work around identity and authentication assurance, the latter in collaboration with the AARC projects. Maarten is currently leading within the GN4-3 Project the T&I Enabling Communities task, for outreach towards communities and business development of the T&I services. Maarten is since 2016 member of the steering committee of REFEDS, the community of the R&E identity federations. He holds an MSc degree in Information Management from Tilburg University.
- OpenID Connect and R&E
which is part of session OpenID Connect in R&E
Yatish Kumar
- ESnet6 High-Touch Services: Network Telemetry using Programmable Dataplane
which is part of session Lightning Talks: First Strike - Questioning TCP
which is part of session Workshop: Time to go back to the drawing board?
Roman Lapacz
- Network technology and service development in the new GÉANT Project
which is part of session Multilayered service orchestration and monitoring
Francis Lee
- CAE-1: A Next Step in Securing Sustainable Intercontinental R&E Bandwidth in the GREN
which is part of session Under the sea

Slávek Licehammer
Slávek Licehammer is an employee of CESNET and Masaryk University in the Czech Republic. He has over eight years of experience in trust and identity filed with focus on AAI design and implementation. He has been participating in several European projects (e.g. AARC2, GN4, EOSC-hub) engaging in trust and identity activity there. Moreover, he is a member of the team responsible for the development and operation of open source identity and access management system Perun.
- Non-web federated access using QR-codes
which is part of session Lightning Talks: Second Strike - eduTEAMS - Enabling digital communities
which is part of session eduTEAMS - Enabling digital communities
Len Lotz
- Developments in the South Atlantic: Exploring models for sharing submarine cable capacity
which is part of session Under the sea
Benoit Lourdelet
- IoT Cybersecurity with Natural Language Processing
which is part of session Crypto For Now!

University of Athens, Greece
Natalia Manola is a research associate in “Athena” Research and Innovation Center and in the University of Athens, Department of Informatics & Telecommunications. She holds a Physics degree from the University of Athens, and an MS in Electrical and Computing Engineering from the University of Wisconsin at Madison. She has several years of employment as a Software Engineer and Architect employed in the Bioinformatics commercial sector. She is the managing director of OpenAIRE (www.openaire.eu) since 2009, a pan European e-Infrastructure supporting open access in all scientific results, the coordinator of OpenMinTeD (www.openminted.eu) an infrastructure on text and data mining, and is now involved in the implementation of HELIX, the Greek e-Infrastructure for research. She has expertise in Open Science policies and implementation, and she currently serves in the EOSC Executive Board and the Open Science Policy Platform, an EC High Level Advisory Group to Commissioner Moedas to provide advice about the development and implementation of open science policy in Europe. Her research interests include the topics of e-Infrastructures development and management, scientific data management, data curation and validation, text and data mining complex data visualization, and research analytics. Natalia has also served in the EC Future Emerging Technology (FET) Advisory Group (2013-2017).
- European Open Science Cloud (EOSC): It’s a brave new world - creating and supporting digital Communities
which is part of session EOSC

Alvaro Martin Heredia
Universidad de Malaga
R&D engineer at University of Málaga. My research interests focus on mobile network technologies 4G and 5G, especially communication protocol stacks.
- EuWireless – An initiative to deliver pan-European mobile research capabilities over licensed spectrum
which is part of session 5G: pan-European mobile research capabilities

Garvan McFeeley
Garvan is HEAnet's Brokerage Services Manager. He has 30 years experience in ICT across a range of sectors including education, telecommunications, manufacturing and financial services.
He holds a B.Sc. in Computer Applications from DCU and an M.Sc. from TCD in Management of Information Systems.
When not thinking about how to save HEAnet's clients time, effort and money, he enjoys training guide dog puppies as well as all things Italian.
- GÉANT Digital Single Cloud Market Experiences: User Stories from NRENs and Institutions
which is part of session Cloud User Stories

Heidi Morgan
Information Science Institute (ISI) Internet and Networked Systems group at the University of Southern California (USC)
Heidi Morgan, Ph. D. is a Senior Computer Scientist at Information Science Institute (ISI) at the University of Southern California (USC) Viterbi School of Engineering. ISI's. The Networking and Cybersecurity Division carries out a broad program of research spanning the areas of networking scientific investigations, Internet operations and governance, cybersecurity research topics, and a variety of infrastructure projects for experimentation and collaboration. Dr. Morgan moved to ISI from Florida International University in 2016, where she was the Director and Co-Founder of the Center for Internet Augmented Research and Assessment (CIARA www.ciara.fiu.edu ). Morgan works closely with her research group at FIU. CIARA fosters a domain-specific tailoring of Internet technologies to support faculty research, and in the process improve graduate education. CIARA assesses and measures FIU's effectiveness in the use of technology to augment the rate of discovery for domain researchers.
- Developments in the South Atlantic: Exploring models for sharing submarine cable capacity
which is part of session Under the sea
Jakub Moscicki
- Going FAIR at the rate of n × log n -- Interlinking Synch&Share stores to benefit from Metcalfe’s Law
which is part of session Opening data silos

Edward Moynihan
Indiana University
Edward Moynihan is the Principal Network Engagement Analyst for International Networks at Indiana University. In this role, Moynihan supports the NEAAR and TransPac projects by working directly with scientists and researchers to help achieve better international file-transfer performance and to increase utilization of IU’s international research networking systems. He also works closely with IN@IU’s international partners to promote the use of international research networking resources and to deliver enhanced functionality to research collaborators and other R and E networking stakeholders.
Prior to joining the IN@IU team, Moynihan led Global Programs at Internet2 and served as Co-Secretary of the Global Research and Education Networking CEO Forum.
- Pragmatic Science Engagement Using an Operations Center Approach
which is part of session Digital collaborations - Out of the Ice Age: Can NRENs Support Antarctic Science?
which is part of session Lightning Talks: First Strike
Liina-Maria Munari
- European Open Science Cloud (EOSC): It’s a brave new world - creating and supporting digital Communities
which is part of session EOSC

Jani Myyry
Mr. Jani Myyry joined CSC - IT Center for Science in 2009 to work with Funet, the Finnish national research and education network. He has since been engaged in running Funet's optical and IP backbone networks, and most recently designing and planning the optical part of the next generation Funet 2020 network. In addition, he has taken part in multiple GÉANT projects and joint Nordic engineering groups with goals to provide seamless services across the borders.
Jani holds an MSc in Computer Science from the Helsinki University of Technology (nowadays Aalto University).
- Enlighten the darkness in your fiber topology
which is part of session Lightning Talks: Second Strike
Damian Niemir
Poznan Supercomputing and Networking Center
- TNC – behind the scenes
which is part of session Lightning Talks: Second Strike

Brian Nisbet
Brian Nisbet is Service Operations Manager at HEAnet, the Irish National Research & Education Network. He joined the company in 2001 and moved through a number of positions before being appointed to his current role in 2019.
Brian is passionate about providing the best possible services to both external and internal clients and making sure those services are designed and run with security in mind and in a supportable and measurable way.
He is Co-Chair of the RIPE Anti-Abuse Working Group.
- Dragons, Sharks, Unicorns and Elves; Stories of Crisis Exercises
which is part of session Are you ready for your next crisis? - Open, Honest & Wonderful!
which is part of session Lightning Talks: Second Strike

Karen O'Donoghue
Internet Society
Karen O’Donoghue is the Research Analyst for Networks and Trust for the Internet Society, a global non-profit organization dedicated to an open, global, secure and trustworthy Internet for everyone. In this role, she supports the development, deployment, and operation of technologies, standards, and best practices to improve the security of the Internet. Karen has a long history of participation in the IETF, IEEE, and other standards bodies, as well as working in small multi-vendor teams to build technology demonstrations and build event networks. Prior to joining the Internet Society, Karen worked for the US Navy, focused on the development and application of commercial network standards and technologies to realtime Navy systems.
- CrypTech Open Source Crypto Project
which is part of session Crypto For Now!

Steve Olshansky
Internet Society
Steve Olshansky is the Internet Technology Program Manager at the Internet Society, a global non-profit organization dedicated to the goals of the Internet being open, globally-connected, secure and trustworthy. At the Internet Society, Steve is particularly focused on IoT security and privacy, as well as larger Internet trust and security topics. Prior to joining the Internet Society in 2014, Steve was Director, Federated Technologies for Internet2. He was with Internet2 for 12 years, managing a variety of projects related to increasing trust and security and reducing friction for online business, education, and collaboration. In this context he was especially focused on digital identity and federated identity and access management, including software development, best practices, and policy guidance. Prior to his tenure with Internet2, he was a consultant in eBusiness and online training and education, a content and business developer for IP services at a large telco, and a founding board member of a leading community network in the mid-90s.
Steve holds a M.S. in Telecommunications from the University of Colorado at Boulder, and a B.A. in Political Science from Colorado College.
- Consumer IoT security and privacy frameworks, trustmarks and certifications: useful, or useless?
which is part of session Lightning Talks: Second Strike

Laura Paglione
Spherical Cow Group
Laura Paglione joined the Spherical Cow Group in late 2018. Her global project work is focused on efforts that help fuel innovation and societal impact through enhanced research infrastructure. She works with groups such as ORCID, Metadata 2020, Global Alliance for Genomic Health, Open Pharma, the global Federated Identity Management community and others to provide strategic input and analysis, business and organizational model development, new organization/ product launch advisory services, and complex system-based problem-solving. She has over 25 diverse years of experience in both the commercial and not for profit sectors, most recently serving as the founding technical director of ORCID, a global not-for-profit organization with the mission to address name ambiguity for researchers. She serves as Secretary on the InCommon Federation Steering Committee and the Internet2 Trust and Identity Program Advisory Group, and she advocates for Service Providers within the federated identity community. Laura holds an ScM in Computer Science from Brown University, an MBA from MIT Sloan School of Management, and a BE from Stevens Institute of Technology.
- The Solution for IdP Discovery and the Exploration of the Next Big Thing
which is part of session Are we done with T&I?

Gabriella Paolini
Gabriella Paolini is the Traning and E-learning Manager for GARR. She started working for GARR in 2000 as a Senior Network Engineer. She follows GARR Schools community and actively partecipates in the EC project UP2U. Since 1995 she is working on digital literacy, in particular to overcross digital gaps. Since 1989 in the Register of Italian Journalists. She is a board member of ISOC Italy Chapter.
- Internet4kids
which is part of session Lightning Talks: Second Strike
Chris Phillips
Chris Phillips is the Technical Architect for CANARIE's Canadian Access Federation, an access federation operating the eduroam and SAML trust fabrics in Canada. Chris has a BSc in Computing from Queen's University in Kingston (1995) and has worked previously in the private sector through multiple acquisitions followed by just under a decade with Queen's working on internet scale systems for directory, mail, single sign on, and identity management systems that interact with Peoplesoft. Chris is also the Chair of the Community Architecture Committee for Trust and Identity(CACTI) of Internet2, a member of the eduGAIN Steering Group and the Global eduroam Governance Committee, participates with IETF activities, and is an active participant in Internet2 working groups
- OpenID Connect and R&E
which is part of session OpenID Connect in R&E

Enrico Pietrocola
Conservatorio G.Verdi Milano - GARR
I am an Electronic Musician focused on algorithmic composition and multimedia.
I have experience in audio programming, sound design and videogame development.
My interests are electroacoustic and noise music, audio-interactive installations and everything involving interaction.
I studied Music Information Science and graduated in Electronic Music – Video and Multimedia (Bachelor) in Milan’s Conservatory with 110/110 cum laude.
My dissertation on Network Music was developed in London during an Erasmus Traineeship for SAE London, my mentors were Professor Giovanni Cospito (Conservatorio G.Verdi Milano) and Andy Farnell (SAE London).
I am one of the founders of the “1h20nein” Network Laptop Orchestra from Milan’s Conservatory G.Verdi.
After London I moved to Malta, where I worked as a sound designer for Playmagic LTD on two videogames.
In 2017, I started working as a freelance sound designer and music software programmer. During that year I then became a Distance Learning Consultant for Conservatorio G.Verdi Milano in the Intermusicproject.eu Erasmus+ project.
In 2018 I won a “Orio Carlini” scholarship from GARR and since then my main objective has been creating a platform and interface to empower interactivity on textual and musical material on a distance.
Thanks to the scholarship I was able to finally attend a Master university course, reason why I moved to Turin where I am studying Electronic music composition while working to the things listed above.
Most of my projects are open source or free to use, my main objective in what I do is to couple my study interests with my passion for travelling and discovery, which is one of the reasons why I got in the distance learning environment and music overall.
- Content interaction powered distance learning - Contact, pointing, immersion and feeling of presence
which is part of session Lightning Talks: Second Strike

Jarno Pinola
VTT Technical Research Centre of Finland
Jarno Pinola works as a senior scientist in the Connectivity research area at VTT Research Centre of Finland. His research interests focus on mobile network technologies, especially on the utilization of virtualization and SDN technologies in the wireless access networks.
- EuWireless – An initiative to deliver pan-European mobile research capabilities over licensed spectrum
which is part of session 5G: pan-European mobile research capabilities

Remco Poortinga - Van Wijnen
Team Lead Security at SURFnet and as such responsible for innovation, development and delivery of services in the areas of security and privacy, including - but not limited to - DDoS detection and mitigation. Holds an M.Sc. in Electrical Engineering from the University of Twente (1997) and has extensive experience in Middleware, Federated Identity Management, Software Architecture, Security and (Project) Management. He was a Task and Work Package lead in the GN3+ and GN4-1 phases of the EuropeanGÉANT project for Trust & Identity. Prior to working for SURFnet (2008) he was a research engineer and software architect at a Dutch research institute as well as a software developer for Ericsson.
- Dragons, Sharks, Unicorns and Elves; Stories of Crisis Exercises
which is part of session Are you ready for your next crisis?

Jørgen Qvist
Joined NORDUnet in August 2008. Before joining NORDUnet, having worked as a decision-maker in the Telecommunications and IT area for +20 years, I have built a wide range of technical competencies and a practical approach to leadership and management, working for companies such as General Electric Information Services, MCI Worldcom and Butlernetworks.
I love to make things work, and I have built a career working extensively with service and business development as well as technology and operational management.
- Spectrum Sharing for Next Generation Networks
which is part of session Sharing (Spectrum) Fair & QAM64

Tim Rayner
Tim works as an Optical Engineer in AARNet's Operations Team. He is responsible for the operation of AARNet's Australia-wide DWDM transmission network, and works closely with colleagues to expand and develop this network. He has performed this role since 2010, and prior to that supported customer connections for AARNet in the ACT, and led the networking team at one of AARNet's university customers.
Tim has an interest in network throughput testing, and has participated in the "Signal and Data Transport" consortium contributing to the design of the SKA Telescope.
- Interfacing to Indigo - Technical & Operational considerations interfacing to a submarine open line system
which is part of session Under the sea

Alex Reid
- CloudStor Strategy – One Ring to Rule Them All
which is part of session Lightning Talks: Second Strike

Alasdair Reid
EFIS Centre
Alasdair Reid has over 25 years experience of advising governments in developing, implementing and evaluating innovation based regional, inter-regional, national and European development programmes and strategies. He has worked on public policy research in the fields of regional economic development and innovation systems. He has advised the European Commission, the OECD, the World Bank, the Nordic Council of Ministers, national and regional governments and agencies throughout the European Union and in third countries.
He has worked extensively in the field of research infrastructures, including as co-director of a four-year assistance project to Lithuania (2011-14) to supervise over EUR 350m of EU Structural Fund co-financed investments in research and innovation infrastructure. He also contributed to the strategic audit of the Belgian Federal Public Science Service (BELSPO) in 2016. He is project co-ordinator for the Horizon 2020 funded projects European e-infrastructure Services Gateway (www.eInfraCentral.eu) and RI-PATHS (www.ri-paths.eu). He is (first semester 2019) a member of the ESFRI ad hoc working group on key performance indicators for research infrastructures.
Alasdair has been actively involved in analysing regional innovation systems since the mid-1990s from the first round of regional technology plans, regional innovation strategies and most recently as an advisor for smart specialisation strategies for the 2014-20 European Structural and Investment Fund period. He was a member of the project team for the Horizon 2020 funded project Online S3 (www.onlineS3.eu) aimed at developing an online platform of tools to support smart specialisation strategy design and implementation. A related stream of activity is on mapping and supporting the emergence of inter-regional value chains and thematic platforms including in the field of offshore (marine) technologies and blue growth, agro-food traceability and big data and Industry 4.0. Alasdair is also a member of the RECONFIRM initiative expert team (2017-18) supporting European regions and clusters in developing strategic co-operation in the field of advanced manufacturing.
Alasdair has evaluated and advising innovation agencies including the evaluation of Nordic Innovation (2015), a service innovation strategy for Invest Northern Ireland (2014), international mentor to Enterprise Estonia (2015) and a study on the impact of Tekes (Finland) on the global competitiveness of Finnish business (2015-16). In the field of cluster policy, Alasdair has led the evaluation of European Cluster policy (2014), provided strategic analysis to support Scottish Enterprise (Scotland’s Innovation Proposition, 2015 and Scottish Clusters Mapping 2016), a cluster and value chain mapping for Highlands & Islands Enterprise (Scotland) (first semester 2017) and a peer review of the Basque Country’s cluster policy (spring 2017).
Alasdair has published a series of articles in peer reviewed journals and book chapters on regional development and innovation policies and the contribution of innovation to economic growth, his published works are available at: www.researchgate.net/profile/Alasdair_Reid. A selection of Alasdair’s speeches can be viewed at: www.slideshare.net/Alasdair_Innovation. Alasdair is fluently bilingual (English, French) and speaks basic Spanish and Estonian
- European Open Science Cloud (EOSC): It’s a brave new world - creating and supporting digital Communities
which is part of session EOSC
Maria Ristkok
EENet of HITSA, GÉANT cloud adoption support leader
- GÉANT Digital Single Cloud Market Experiences: User Stories from NRENs and Institutions
which is part of session Cloud User Stories

Guy Roberts
GEANT Association
Guy Roberts joined GÉANT in 2006 and is Senior Network Architect. He is responsible for the introduction of new transmission technology into the GÉANT network and is currently working on the design of the next GÉANT network to be built in 2020-2022. He is also technical lead for GN4-3 WP6-T1 quantum key distribution and optical time/frequency network sub-tasks. In addition, Guy is technical lead for the developing a new spectrum service in the GÉANT network. As co-chair of the NSI working group in the Open Grid Forum he is joint author of several GFDs. Guy received his PhD in photonics from the University of Cambridge in 2006 in the area of DWDM subsystem design based on integrated photonic components.
- Spectrum Sharing for Next Generation Networks
which is part of session Sharing (Spectrum) Fair & QAM64 - GÉANT Network Evolution
which is part of session Next Generation Networks in the UK, USA and EU

Chris Rohrer
UbuntuNet Alliance
Chris Rohrer is the Service Portfolio Manager for the UbuntuNet Alliance based in Lilongwe, Malawi.
He is developing and operating regional eduroam/eduID infrastructure as well as end-user applications, which are currently being moved over to the regional Kubernetes cluster.
Chris joined the Alliance at the beginning of December 2015 from SWITCH, the Swiss National Research and Education network, where he has been working as a Software Engineer for eight years.
He holds a Master of Science in Neurobiology from the University of Berne as well as a Master of Advanced Studies in Human Computer Interaction Design from the University of Basel.
- Operator, please! eduroam Switchboard
which is part of session Lightning Talks: First Strike

Nathalie Roth
Nathalie Roth holds a Master of Arts in Translation from University of Geneva, Switzerland; a full diploma of translation and interpreting from the translation and interpreting school Alumni in Sao Paulo, Brazil, and a Certificate of Advanced Studies in Leadership from Zurich University of Applied Sciences in Winterthur, Switzerland. She speaks German, French, English, Portuguese and Italian. After working several years as a translator and terminologist in banking and insurance companies, Nathalie Roth discovered the world of e-learning, when working as an e-learning author for bank training modules. Since 2009, Nathalie Roth has been working as a Community Manager for the Swiss e-Learning Community eduhub at the Swiss National Research and Education Network SWITCH. She is also Consortium Manager of the Safe Exam Browser Consortium. She is currently preparing a Master of Advanced Studies in Communication Management and Leadership at Zurich University of Applied Sciences in Winterthur, Switzerland. In her free time, Nathalie Roth is an avid practitioner of Ashtanga Yoga. She loves arts, travelling, hiking and reading, and lives with her partner in beautiful Zurich Oberland.
- Communities - why they matter, and what makes them work
which is part of session Why Communities Matter
Nick Roy
- From Transparency to Practice: InCommon Baseline Expectations
which is part of session Are we done with T&I?

Federico Ruggieri
Federico Ruggieri, is a senior physicist and Director of Research at INFN (Italian National Institute for Nuclear Physics), Director of GARR, the Italian Research and Education Network and member of the Board of Directors of GÈANT the European Research and Education Network.
He spent most of his professional life working on On-Line and Off-line Computing Systems for High Energy Physics experiments at CERN and at Frascati, INFN National Laboratory.
He promoted the first GRID project approved and funded by the European Commission: EU-DataGRID and designed and deployed the Tier1 of INFN-CNAF in Bologna where he was the Director from 1998 to 2004.
Since 1980 he played an important role in the development of the Communication Networks for Research and Education in Italy and GARR the Italian National Research and Academic Network.
From 2006 onward, he has been the coordinator of 6 European projects co-funded by the European Commission’s Framework Programmes.
He is also professor of Data Acquisition and Control of Experiments in the Department of Mathematics and Physics of the University of Roma TRE.
Federico Ruggieri has a list of more than 500 articles and publications in the domains of Physics, Data Acquisition and ICT.
- European Open Science Cloud (EOSC): It’s a brave new world - creating and supporting digital Communities
which is part of session EOSC

Antonio Saravia
RedIRIS (Spanish NREN)
Deputy Director of RedIRIS (Spanish NREN) at Red.es, Ministry of Economy and Enterprise of Spain. Associate Professor of Digital Economy, University of Alcala de Henares.
Degree in Computer Science at Polytechnic University of Madrid, Executive MBA at IE Business School (Madrid).
With more than 25 years of experience in the telecommunications sector and the information society, in organizations and companies such as CERN, MCI WorldCom (now Verizon) or Telefónica, and since 2002 in Red.es, where his professional activity focused on the definition, launch and execution of nationwide initiatives and programs aimed at development of the information society and the digital transformation of the economy. Since November 2015, as Deputy Director of RedIRIS, he has been responsible for the management and promotion of new projects and services to better serve the academic and scientific community. Accordingly, he is leading the GÉANT Cloud IaaS Framework in Spain and promoting the adoption of cloud services in the Spanish community.
- GÉANT Digital Single Cloud Market Experiences: User Stories from NRENs and Institutions
which is part of session Cloud User Stories

Stelios Sartzetakis
Dr. Stelios Sartzetakis is Research Director at the Information Management Systems Institute of ATHENA Research Centre, and Strategy Planning Committee Coordinator of GRNET. Before that, he headed the telecommunications and networks laboratory of ICS-FORTH; he was visiting professor at the Department of Computer Science of the University of Crete; and participated in numerous international research projects in the area of broadband network management, QoS and traffic management, and optical networks. He was principal in the creation of FORTHnet, the first Greek ISP. His research interests include cloud-based large data processing, storage and network programming systems. He received his PhD in Electrical and Computer Engineering from the National Technical University of Athens, his MEng in Systems and Computer Engineering from Carleton University of Ottawa, and his BSc in Mathematics from Aristotelian University of Thessaloniki.
- European Open Science Cloud (EOSC): It’s a brave new world - creating and supporting digital Communities
which is part of session EOSC

Consortium GARR, Università Politecnica delle Marche
Agnese Sbrollini is a Consortium GARR fellowship student since November 2018, working on a project entitled “In-Cloud Cardiovascular Monitoring System for the Prevention of Sport-Related Sudden Cardiac Death”. She received the PhD in Information Engineering in March 2019 at Università Politecnica delle Marche (Ancona, Italy). In 2017, she stayed for 3 months at Leiden University Medical Center (Leiden, Netherlands) for the Erasmus + Traneeship. She received the Degree in Biomedical Engineering at Politecnico di Torino (Torino, Italy) in December 2014 and the bachelor’s degree in Biomedical Engineering at Università Politecnica delle Marche (Ancona, Italy) in 2012. She is author of 10 journal papers and 25 conference proceedings.
- Sport-Related Sudden Cardiac Death: a New In-Cloud System for Athletes Prevention
which is part of session Lightning Talks: First Strike

Jennifer Schopf
Indiana University
Dr. Jennifer M. Schopf is the Director of International Networks at Indiana University (IN@IU) and also the Director of the Engagement and Performance Operations Center (EPOC). Schopf leads a $4M per year program supporting both US domestic and international science engagement to improve research outcomes. Internationally, this includes assisting the use of transoceanic networks to Europe, Africa, and Asia, with a focus on measurement, monitoring, and advocacy for end-users. Prior to IU, she was a program officer at the US National Science Foundation (NSF), a founding member of the Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution’s Ocean Informatics team, and a senior member of the Globus distributed software team. Her research focuses on end-to-end performance prediction and user requirements gathering, primarily in distributed systems with relation to large-scale data use.
- Pragmatic Science Engagement Using an Operations Center Approach
which is part of session Digital collaborations

Neil Shewry
After graduating from Swansea University in 2001 with a degree in Computer Science, Neil joined Jisc (then UKERNA) as services coordinator. Neil then progressed into customer connection management, and then project management. In 2012, having spent 5 years managing the delivery of regional network infrastructures, Neil was selected to lead the team tasked with delivering ‘Janet6’, the current iteration of Janet, the UK's NREN. Neil is now Head of Network Delivery at Jisc, overseeing Jisc’s backbone and access delivery programmes, and supporting Jisc’s network planning and design processes.
- Deploying 400Gbit/s on the Janet network
which is part of session Next Generation Networks in the UK, USA and EU

Siim Sikkut
Siim is the Government CIO of Estonia, in charge of keeping the #eEstonia digital innovation engine humming ever faster. Nominated by Apolitical, a global network for government representatives and public servants, to the 2018 list of the world’s Top 20 most influential people in digital government.
- Strengthening the Estonian Society with Technology
which is part of session Opening Plenary
Rob Smets
- Differentiation in the Age of Optical Convergence
which is part of session SDN and Optical:New kids on the block

Jerry Sobieski
- EuWireless – An initiative to deliver pan-European mobile research capabilities over licensed spectrum
which is part of session 5G: pan-European mobile research capabilities

Rogier Spoor
Rogier Spoor is Manager and innovator. During his student time in 1997 co-founder of the traveling DNA lab that subsequently adopted nationally. Rogier joined SURF in 2001. In 2004 SURFids, a distributed honeypot detection system, was developed which was an international success. Rogier has also been at the forefront of SURFs own 'dropbox' service, debit-card transaction service, Filesender service, DNSsec, IPv6 adoption and IaaS service development. Rogier is currently taking off the development of eduVPN, a VPN standard for education and research. Rogier is chairman of the HoneyNED foundation, in which security experts from Dutch organizations work together. Board member at the Commons Conservancy, a software governance body.
- eduVPN
which is part of session edu* - The Commons Conservancy
which is part of session Lightning Talks: First Strike

Michael Stanton
Rede Nacional de Ensino e Pesquisa - RNP (Brazilian NREN)
Michael Stanton, Network Scientist at RNP, the Brazilian national research and education network, was previously Director of Research and Development between 2002 and 2018. After a Ph.D. in mathematics at Cambridge University, he started his higher education career in Brazil in 1971. He was visiting professor at the Air Force Technical Institute (ITA) between 1971 and 1972, associate professor of computing at the Catholic University of Rio de Janeiro between 1973 and 1999, and full professor of computer networks at the Federal Fluminense University (UFF) in Niterói, Rio de Janeiro state between 1994 and 2014. Beginning in 1986, he participated in kick-starting research and education networking in Brazil, which included linking a nascent national network first to BITNET in 1988 and then to the Internet in 1992. During this period he helped set up and run both the regional network in Rio de Janeiro state (Rede-Rio) and RNP. After an 8 year absence, he returned to serve RNP since 2001, mainly in R&D and RNP involvement in new networking and large-scale collaboration projects. During this period, RNP has deployed a modern optical infrastructure providing high-capacity services for nationwide and international collaboration.
- Developments in the South Atlantic: Exploring models for sharing submarine cable capacity
which is part of session Under the sea
Andres Steijaert
SURFnet, GÉANT cloud activity leader
- GÉANT Digital Single Cloud Market Experiences: User Stories from NRENs and Institutions
which is part of session Cloud User Stories

Cathrin Stöver
With more than 20 years of experience working in global telecommunications and the roll-out of network infrastructures across various continents, Cathrin is a highly effective global team leader, successfully working across borders and cultures in complex multi-dimensional projects. With superior levels of cultural awareness and inter-personal skills, she builds rapport at first encounter and delivers passionate messages about otherwise dry roll-outs of infrastructures, focusing on the benefits and opportunities. Cathrin is committed to collaboration and knowledge sharing and transfer as well as inclusive team building based on a foundation of mutual trust.
Cathrin has belonged to the GÉANT team since 1997, holding various positions as the organisation has grown and developed, always with a specific focus on growing the geographic reach of the GÉANT network and the deepening of the global R&E collaboration for the benefit of the global research and education community.
In November 2018, Cathrin was appointed as Vice-Chair of the EOSC Executive Board.
- European Open Science Cloud (EOSC): It’s a brave new world - creating and supporting digital Communities
which is part of session EOSC
Jack Suess
- Creating Learning Standards to Support Next Generation Digital Learning Environments
which is part of session Digital collaborations
Jakob Tendel
DFN - Deutsches Forschungsnetz
Jakob is senior manager for international projects and cloud services at DFN.
- GÉANT Digital Single Cloud Market Experiences: User Stories from NRENs and Institutions
which is part of session Cloud User Stories
Nikos Triantafyllou
University of the Aegean
- eIDAS-enabled Student Mobility (ESMO) for Identity Federation
which is part of session Trust and Security for Students

Szymon Trocha
Poznan Supercomputing and Networking Center
SZYMON TROCHA received an M.Sc. degree in computer science from Poznan University of Technology in 1998. He is a Head of the Network Management Unit in PSNC which operates PIONIER NREN and POZMAN MAN NOC. He is involved in network management applications deployment and configuration. He is also responsible for traffic analysis and measurement technology research and implementation as well as network performance research. He participated in various EU co-funded projects, in the field of network monitoring, measurements and management. Since years he has been involved in the success of perfSONAR multidomain network measurement toolkit. He is currently responsible for perfSONAR and PMP service deployment, user support and training in the GN4 project.
- Building Performance Measurement Platform - Lessons learned from operations
which is part of session Network Automation and Monitoring

Tusu Tusubira
Knowledge Consulting Ltd.
Tusu Tusubira is the Founding CEO of the UbuntuNet Alliance and managing partner of Knowledge Consulting Ltd. He received the 2015 continental African Network Information and Infrastructure Award and served on the boards of RENU and TENET, the Research and Education Networks of Uganda and South Africa. Tusu worked for Makerere University for 32 years (Head of Electrical Engineering, Associate Dean of the Faculty of Technology, and Director, ICT Support) and continues to participate actively in research with more than 60 papers and books as author or co-author.
- Research and Education Networks in an Environment of Accelerating Change: The Need for a Community-based Approach
which is part of session Closing Plenary
Davide Vaghetti
Davide Vaghetti is the GARR Coordinator for the Italian Identity Federation IDEM. Davide has worked previously as a System and Network Administrator at the University of Pisa where he developed and managed the Identity Management System. Since 2013 he has been the coordinator of the Italian Identity Federation (IDEM) Technical Steering group, and in 2016 joined GARR to work full time as a digital identity researcher. He has been task leader in the Joint Research Activity of the AARC project, and he has also been sub-task leader in two teams of the GÈANT GN4-2 project (OIDCFed and eduKEEP). Lately he has been nominated eduGAIN Service Owner in the GÈANT GN-3 project. In the meantime, he has also been CCNA Instructor, software developer (mainly Java, Python and Ruby), and freelance Japanese translator. He graduated in Japanese History with a thesis on the Taishoo Democracy and he holds a post-graduate diploma from the Faculty of Engineer on Internet Technology.
- OpenID Connect and R&E
which is part of session OpenID Connect in R&E

Ruben van den Brink
With the foundations of mathematics as an academic background, Ruben decided to take up a career in broadcast IT some 10 years ago. He held several management positions at Technicolor and Ericsson and led the transformation of the datacenter and channel distribution business. Since 2016, Ruben heads up the Network department at SURFnet. Together with a bright team of professionals, his aim is to get R&E networking ready for an automated and orchestrated future internet. If you accidentally end up next to him at dinner, be prepared to talk about music, too.
- Network Automation & Orchestration: Are you in business?
which is part of session Network Automation and Monitoring

Niels van Dijk
Niels works as a Technical Product manager in the Trust and Security department of SURFnet. His main engagement is with innovation projects related to SURFconext and OpenConext. Recent projects include the Science Collaboration Zone, which aims to enable seamless access to research services through the use of federated AAI.
Within SURF’s international engagements, Niels is involved in the GÉANT project, where he is the task leader of the Trust and Identity Incubator. This pan European team works in an agile way on various topics with a disruptive nature, with the aim of delivering novel products and future services. In addition Niels takes care of the technical aspects of the operations and development of the InAcademia service.
When not at work, Niels enjoys the company of is wife and two boys, engages in a bit of hardware hacking and singing in a chamber choir.
- InAcademia - towards a production service
which is part of session Lightning Talks: Second Strike

Charlie van Genuchten
Charlie van Genuchten is Product Manager Privacy and Security at SURFnet. She organised the first large-scale crisis exercise for SURFnet in 2016 and has been creating exercises with and for Dutch Higher Education Institutions every year since then. In 2017 and 2018, she organised CLAW, the Crisis Management Event for European NRENs, to experience, learn and share knowledge about crisis management.
Charlie studied History and Arabic and learned a lot about media and politics when she was part of the Dutch National Union of Students and the European Student Union. Although sharks have been a recurring theme at CLAW, she has luckily not encountered one as of yet.
- Dragons, Sharks, Unicorns and Elves; Stories of Crisis Exercises
which is part of session Are you ready for your next crisis?

HEPH Condorcet Mons
C++ and compilers enthusiast currently studying towards a bachelor’s degree in business computing at HEPH Condorcet Mons (Belgium).
- Project Fox, a quest for a statically typed embeddable programming language
which is part of session Lightning Talks: Second Strike

Eric Verheul
Radboud University, Nijmegen, The Netherlands
Eric Verheul is an independent cryptographic consultant and part-time professor at the Radboud University Nijmegen. Eric teaches a Master's course in security management and does research in applied cryptography and privacy enhancing technologies. He scientific goal is to creatively (ab)use existing cryptographic techniques and protocols achieving optimal (privacy) protection at low cost. His presentation at TNC19 on Remote Document Encryption is a good example of this. Eric also serves as cryptographic architect in the Dutch eID scheme in which capacity he has developed the technique of polymorphic encryption and pseudonymization (PEP). This supplements federative authentication with strong privacy protection. PEP allows an identity provider to perform authentications in a practically anonymous way while still being able to deliver the identifying information (or pseudonym) to service providers. From June 4 2018 issued Dutch driver licenses support PEP.
- Remote Document Encryption - encrypting data for passport holders
which is part of session Crypto For Now!

Linnar Viik
Linnar Viik is an Estonian information technology scientist, entrepreneur and IT visionary. Currently a visiting lecturer at University of Tartu, he is the founder and Program Director at the Estonian e-Governance Academy and board member of several mobile communications, broadband and software companies. In a former role Linnar advised the Prime Minister of Estonia on ICT, innovation, R&D and civil society issues. He has been instrumental in the rapid development of Estonian computer and network infrastructure, as well as of the Estonian Internet Voting and eSignature projects.
- Strengthening the Estonian Society with Technology
which is part of session Opening Plenary

Maja Vreča
Arnes staff
Maja Vreča has been working at ARNES since 1995. She was Head of User Support for many years, but in recent years, she specialised in issues concerning safer internet use. In her role
as an associate at the Slovenian Safer Internet Awareness Node, she lectures to a wide range of
audiences: from people with special needs to general public, from primary school pupils to parents and teachers, from students to researchers. During the last five years, she has been preparing a MOOC on safe internet use, the biggest MOOC in Slovenian language. She writes articles and presents the issue in Slovenian media.
- Is there a way to explain networking to ordinary people and still look clever?
which is part of session Lightning Talks: First Strike
Pavle Vuletic
University of Belgrade - School of electrical engineering
Pavle Vuletić obtained his BSc, MSc and PhD in Computer Systems and Network Architecture from University of Belgrade, School of Electrical Engineering. He used to work at the University of Belgrade, Computer Centre as a senior network engineer while Computer Centre was responsible for the development of Serbian Research and Education Network (AMRES), and later as a deputy director of AMRES. He is currently associate professor at the University of Belgrade, School of Electrical Engineering at the Department of Computer Engineering and Information Theory, teaching Advanced Computer Networks, Data security and Software Defined Networks courses. His research interests span from network management principles to network and service performance and network security. Prof. Vuletic was involved in several EC projects related to the area of research and education networking. He was a leader of research tasks exploring multi-domain control and management principles and network service performance in four GÉANT projects.
- Network technology and service development in the new GÉANT Project
which is part of session Multilayered service orchestration and monitoring

Frans Ward
Frans Ward is a Senior Technical Product Manager at SURFnet and has been responsible for innovation projects in the area of Trust and Identity, Service Delivery and Educational Services. For the past three years his focus was mainly on Open Badges and Micro-credentialing, the Open Educational API and Open Educational Resources; projects that are part of the SURF innovation programme 'Education Innovation with IT'. Frans studied Business Information Technology at Rotterdam University. After working at the Erasmus University IT department for more than 12 years he joined SURFnet in 1999.
- We endorse you for being an edubadger!
which is part of session edu*
Michel Wets
- GÉANT Digital Single Cloud Market Experiences: User Stories from NRENs and Institutions
which is part of session Cloud User Stories

Chris Wilkinson
- Internet2 Next Generation Infrastructure: Process and Community Engagement
which is part of session Next Generation Networks in the UK, USA and EU

Mark Williams
Mark Williams has been involved in education all his working life and has been part of the federated authentication and access community since 2007. He is currently the manager of the UK Access Management federation for Jisc. Previous roles in JISC included responsibility for the JISC / Research Discovery Network, Further Education resources hub.
Prior to that, Mark managed an e-learning team at a UK Further Education College and was originally a teacher of History and English as a Foreign Language both in his home country and overseas. Mark’s other interests include lego, horses, film making, art history and games with polyhedral dice.
- Mansplaining Diversity
which is part of session Lightning Talks: Second Strike

Stefan Winter
RESTENA Foundation
Stefan Winter graduated in Computer Science at the University of Karlsruhe, Germany, in September 2004, with a specialisation in telematics and foundations of Computer Science. He is working as R&D Engineer for the Luxembourg Research and Education Network RESTENA, where network roaming and identity federations are in the focus of his activities. He led the R&D work for eduroam during several incarnations of the GEANT projects. He is member of the eduroam Operational Team in Europe (leading the development of the eduroam CAT software) and the Global eduroam Governance Committee.
- eduroam Managed IdP - eduroam users in the cloud
which is part of session Lightning Talks: First Strike

John Womersley
European Spallation Source
John Womersley is Director General of the European Spallation Source (ESS), a European intergovernmental laboratory that will start user science operation in 2023. Before moving to ESS, Prof. Womersley held the position of Chief Executive of the Science and Technology Facilities Council (STFC), the United Kingdom’s funding agency for large scale science facilities and national laboratories, particle physics, nuclear physics and astronomy. He has also served on the council of CERN and has chaired the European Strategy Forum on Research Infrastructures (ESFRI).
- Research Infrastructures
which is part of session Building Foundations of Trust / Research Infrastructures

Jessica Wu
Jessica Wu is Cloud Services Group Manager, and has many years of experience in leading and managing the development and delivery of services to meet emerging requirements of Jisc members, including TEN-34/155 NOC, DNS, co-location and videoconferencing; and in setting up framework agreements with commercial partners to bring the benefits of new technologies currently including the Cloud to Jisc members.
- GÉANT Digital Single Cloud Market Experiences: User Stories from NRENs and Institutions
which is part of session Cloud User Stories
Albert Wu
- From Transparency to Practice: InCommon Baseline Expectations
which is part of session Are we done with T&I?
Ralph Youngen
American Chemical Society
- The Solution for IdP Discovery and the Exploration of the Next Big Thing
which is part of session Are we done with T&I?